Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Advices I like.


Advices I like.

Here are some advices I like.

Originally Posted by sparkyx

So, if you find you are not growing, or having a very hard time gaining, I suggest you go for great EQ first, then you will find you will have a much better chance of making gains.

More advices:

Originally Posted by marinera
You have to spend some time focusing more on how to not fatigue your body while doing manual stretches, than on to the stretch on your penis. The key to improve your manual stretches sessions is to do long sets without fatiguing your body; if you only focus on how much force you are applying to your penis, granted that, without you being aware of that, you’ll put yourself in uncomfortable and fatiguing postures.

Originally Posted by marinera
The best thing to do is to maximize the time that tension is applied to the penis, instead that raising the force.

Originally Posted by marinera
So, better you think in terms of time: keep track of the total time you have stretched your dick; if this week you did 3 hours, try doing 3 hours and half next week. An excel sheet will be ok, but personally a paper diary is somewhat better.

Originally Posted by marinera

9) Stretch flaccid

Sounds obvious, doesn’t it? Now, some guys find if they have a slight erection, say 30%, they have better grip. This can be ok. But remember the more you are erect, the less effective will be the force that is stretching your penis length-wise.

Originally Posted by marinera
The goal should be obtaining a longer stretch with the same force. If you need more force to stretch at a given length, either your penis is tired or you are doing things wrong, since you are making your penis stronger, not longer.

Last edited by Musician : 02-26-2019 at .

Another advice:

Originally Posted by marinera
I think if one wants really to have maximum gains from manual stretches he should do a total of 30-60 minutes per day of manual stretching in these proportions: 2/5 simple stretches, 2/5 side fulcrum stretches, 1/5 downward fulcrum stretches. This could be done in several small sessions. I heard many complaining that they don’t get gains from manual stretching and want to go through an extender or hanging; but they are eager to spend at least 3 hours per day on hanging (2 hours hanging + rest between sets) when they don’t want spend 30 minutes on manuals stretching. How strong they want gains? Most of people will get more gains doing 1 hour of manual stretching per day than 3 hours of hanging per day IMO.

Last edited by Musician : 02-26-2019 at .

More advices:

Originally Posted by marinera
It’s not the force that you can apply with your arms that will lengthen your penis, but how long you can hold the penis at a given length, said in a nutshell.

Originally Posted by Ap0th3
Have you ever gotten hard during manual stretching, making it even harder to stay flaccid?
I’ve got a trick for you - try squatting while stretching. The blood pumping to your legs will drag blood away from your dick allowing you to stay flaccid!

Last edited by Musician : 02-26-2019 at .

Another advice:

Originally Posted by marinera
The more you stretch, the better, assuming you are not applying crazy forces. If you are asking what’s the minimum work to see gains, I’d say three minutes total for each direction.

More advices:

Originally Posted by marinera
Stretches are done flaccid, although a low level of erection is ok, say up to 30% to put out a number.

Originally Posted by Gentlepsychopath
If you start your stretching session with a little hard flaccid try to do first the downward fulcrum stretch known as A stretch. For me that works, it kills my erection.

I suppose that this happens because of the high force that push the blood away.

More advices:

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Those that have gotten great gains seemed to have hit the magic amount of stress.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
[ just want to add one more thing.. NEVER change a routine that is resulting in progress!! Wait until progress slows greatly or stops, then incrementally increase it until progress starts again.

The other alternative is to take a one or two week break and resume the routine that stopped working.

This is probably the wisest option to try first.

If during the break you make some gains.. It reinforces the idea that you will benefit from occasional breaks more than increased force/time.

If you find you lose some progress during the is a good indicator that you need to increase your force/time.]

More advices:

Originally Posted by sparkyx
If you haven’t had decent nite wood since you’ve been PEing.. Take a few weeks off until nite and morning wood return nicely.

If you are older and haven’t had nite wood for a long time, AND you’ve beaten you dick up with PE.. Take a few weeks off also.hell, take a month off to be sure.

Now.. Once you have recovered, pick ONE type of PE, be it jelquing or hanging or whatever and start with a very modest time/force.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Never do crap like go from one set of 5 lbs for 10 minutes of hanging to two sets of it, plus add some jelquing, pumping and clamping.

You will go straight into over training, set yourself back God knows how many days or weeks and have learned nothing!

Add one thing at a time and give it time to access your PIs.

Good luck, and with this knowledge, your chances of success are far higher!

More advices:

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Actually, normal EQ could even be considered an indicator that you aren’t doing your PE properly, because most guys that get good gains find that their EQ is far BETTER than normal. Many report that they are now getting “rock hard” erections since doing PE.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
In general if you are getting negative PIs or decreased EQ (erectile quality) you must cut back. I think its good to go ahead and take a week or two off. If during that time off, your EQ returns to normal, or better yet, BETTER than normal.. It is a sure indicator that you were doing too much.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Make sure the jelqs are no more than moderate force, they should be pleasant, and afterwards you should be able to achieve a very hard erection. If you can’t, you are going too hard. By the way, that ALWAYS applies!

More advices:

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Do not buy devices in the Newbie Phase. I am sure they will still be for sale after you have experience under your belt.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold

Q: Do you recommend ANY devices during the Newbie Phase?
A: Yes. A space heater. One that will heat the area you are in to a comfortably high temperature of around 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It is incredibly difficult, if not impossible to have a good routine in a cold room with cold hands. Heating the room is the best solution to this and I would highly recommend it. Plus, they aren’t typically expensive and are useful outside of PE and can be sold or given to a friend if you decide PE isn’t for you.

I learned about how heat was important one winter. The house wouldn’t get above 68 degrees, which isn’t cold but isn’t comfortable to be nude and handling your penis for an hour or more at a time. I ended up waiting until the season broke to continue PE. A real drag.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
The ruler is one of the hardest parts of PE to overcome. To some it is the enemy. To some it is inspiration. However, to check your size daily is a bad habit because it is impossible to track gains every single day. If you space your measurement times you have a greater chance to see gains. If you are asking thoughtfulgold, I subscribe to every 4 to 6 weeks that I’ll actually measure my normal full erect size.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Q: My Penis Enlargement Rolemodel (insert some guru’s name here with crazy gains), he does this routine so I want to try it! How can I get to where he is doing this routine?
A: Honestly, that seems like a match made in Heaven for disaster. A lot of the routines you’ll see some veterans do are not safe for Newbies. Either they focus too much on intensity or duration or both. Most of this is simply going to have no positive effect for you at this point in your PE career. Also, remember that this routine they customized for themselves. To face PE challenges that they’ve run into. Where you are, you likely do not have to resort to those sort of methods yet.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
I remind people that the best theory, that I myself practice and will practice until I retire from PE, is simple.

I use the least amount of force required for me to see additional gains. This reduces my injury risk and leaves more options open for me in the future when this method needs adjustment.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Q: My erections are getting weaker, what can I do?
My size seems to be going down, what are my options?
Why am I not having morning wood?
It seems like gains have stopped even though I’m not getting negative feedback from my penis, what’s wrong?

A: I would take a break from PE. All of these things have similar causes, usually a lack of rest. Or an injury that you may not be aware of. Or over-conditioning. Take a week or two, maybe a month off. PE will be here when you get back. Your health is more important and there is no reason to train to regain what you can get back with rest and recovery. Just because it doesn’t feel like it hurts doesn’t mean it isn’t doing you harm. If your body is telling you that something is bothering it, especially with that negative feedback, you need to listen to it. You only have one penis and it will tell you all about what you’re doing to it if it isn’t going well.

Originally Posted by thoughtfulgold
Tips and Tricks for the Sharp Newbie- .tips are good. No snark needed for that.
1. Do not be afraid to ask for help.- Even if it is to send your role model a Personal Message. If he doesn’t answer, oh well. Just make the effort. You may make a friend and gain good knowledge at the same time.
2. In your research, try to keep an open mind.- You will learn something different than what you first found in your research, it will probably be of use to you. But you have to keep your mind ready to accept new things.
3. Keep a paper journal of your PE routines.- Write down exactly what you did in each of your sets. Doesn’t matter if the numbers or times are odd. Just keep track of what it is you’ve done so you can know what it is you are capable of when you want to scale a routine up or down. You won’t always be able to get online. You may need to reference what you’ve done, how long ago, when and why. I recommend a 5-Star Notebook because they have plastic front covers and extra thick back covers so they take a beating and last a long time.
4. Try to only implement one PE theory or routine type at a time.- Some of us have vastly differing ideas on how to use equipment or manual exercises. Some of which will not mesh together. An example is my slow, steady, rest-oriented style versus some of the more aggressive high intensity, low duration types of routines.
5. Masturbate less.- It helps your gains come faster and stay longer. It will reduce the amount of PE you have to do to reach your goals.
6. Keep the faith. - There is no reward for being discouraged and quitting. No consolation in walking away. If you really want something, be it a Penis Enlargement goal or something else, you have to go after it no matter how hard it is or how long it takes. If it is what you want, you have to stick with it and you can’t do that without keeping the faith and pushing onward. This, I found from experience.

Advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

More advices:

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
“Start light, build up slowly till you see growth then stay at that level until growth stops, only then add more. The downside is it may take a few months to get to the sweet spot of growth, but the upside is that you will be using the least amount of force to get the gain, and lots of room to move up, and it’s much safer*”.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Also, this place doesn’t have a government grant or anything like that, so if you new guys find it helpful and can donate to help keep the site going and growing, please do. It will be greatly appreciated.

Originally Posted by firegoat
Don’t worry about the time, just try to feel what is happening as you jelq. You want to feel a ‘wave’ of blood being pushed up your penis, I.e. Some expansion happening in front of your hand. Getting the feel right is far more important than the actual time taken for the stroke. Try to get the right feel suing as little grip force as you can to start with.

START HERE ——-> NEWBIE ROUTINE <——- Important Newbie Info.

More advices:

Originally Posted by mafero
Jelqs are a different story. There are several factors; the erection level is the most important. How hard is your penis when you do it? It should be between half hard and fully hard, otherwise it won’t be effective.

Originally Posted by firegoat
Stretch to what you feel is as long as you can make your penis, (don’t use more strength than is needed to get max length, but use enough to make sure you cannot get any more length), then mentally try to relax into the stretch. When the feeling of stretch becomes less, increase the stretch slightly until you feel you are at max possible length again. Concentrate on your breathing, and really try to feel your penis relaxing into the stretch on each out breath.

Spend 50%-60% of your time on straight down stretching, and spread the rest between the other angles (Imagining a compass, I work S {straight down}, N, E, W, SE, SW, NE, NW + straight out).

Originally Posted by firegoat
Best advice for a beginner here is to learn to use the search button well (link in my signature line), because this place is huge. And to read a lot. The more knowledge you have about PE, the less mistakes you are likely to make. Almost every question you can think of has been answered at some time.

Length Gains.

This is a great thread. Its like a “Best of Thunder’s Place” of solid gems from over the years. Reading though some of these has reminded me of what has helped me grow over time as well. I may need to research some myself.

Jan. '08:----------------------------------------------------------Feb '19:-----------------------Goal:

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |

6.5 BP-------------------------------------------------------------8.5 BP-----------------------9.25 BP

More advices:

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Those rock hard nite wood erections, I think are great indicators that you are on the right track, and also help the growth process. Wouldn’t it be funny if it turns out they are the MAIN mechanism of growth.. That it isn’t the PE itself, but the rock hard nite wood for hours that is doing it?

Originally Posted by sparkyx
If you aren’t gaining, its usually one of three possibilities.
1) Too much PE.
2) Not enough PE.
3) The need for a deconditioning layoff.

Usually it isn’t too difficult to figure out which one is your problem, but it can be at times. That’s why its important to keep a little notebook of time/force/ rest , type of PE and your PIs and EQ. When you have that info, if your not sure what you need, you can go look at the TREND, and it will give you enough info to solve the problem.

If you are totally confused, its always a safe bet to take a couple weeks off. If after a week or two, EQ comes roaring back.. Its a sure bet you were over doing it. If EQ never improves much or gets worse with the layoff, you probably weren’t doing enough.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
So, lets just say for you, it won’t be until you reach 30 minutes of daily jelquing before you really start to grow.however, it might take you 6 months to reach the level of conditioning before you can DO 30 minutes without it causing negative PIs and massive depletion of your EQ.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
My current thinking is it would probably be better to find a small daily amount you can do, than every other day.

The trick is you must start with a modest amount, keep it at that level for a couple weeks, and when EQ improves, you can add about 2 minutes of more PE. After about another 2-3 weeks, you can add another 2-3 minutes, IF your EQ is as good or better.. And so on.

During this whole time, you need to be daily checking bpfl BEFORE your routine, and keep track. I think everyone has a “break over point” at which the force/time to recovery ability finally hits the point where growth starts.

At that point you should just hold your routine there and get as much growth as possible before upping it. The thing to remember, the least force required to get growth is always the BEST. The more force, the more you can move into tissue toughening, which can bring growth to a screeching halt.. And requiring a decon break to make progress again.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Summarizing some of the guidelines I think are reasonable, after you are done, you should;

-feel sexually energized.. Not beat up..

-be able to have a good hard erection when you are done..

-look like it is slightly bigger. This last one is very subtle, but it should look and “feel” like it is slightly bigger. Many times this isn’t really measurable, and I wouldn’t drive myself crazy with it, but just see for yourself.

For guys like you, and many others with very sensitive dicks, it may well be that you won’t see growth until we have worked up to 15 minutes a day (or more), while maintaining great or better EQ than you ever had. It could also be far less time.. You have to see.

That may take you 4-6 months to slowly condition and work your way up to that point where you cross your “break over point”. However, even if it takes that long to start to grow, in the meantime you have the hardest, best erections you’ve had since you were a teenager.. And thats a great result in itself.

I think for many guys.. If you don’t know about the “break over point” principle, you see lack of progress and almost ALWAYS respond by upping time and force.. And EQ and PIs go to shit.

If you put all these principles together, slow steady ramp up of force/time (actually, I think force should remain moderate, and just increase time), while using PIs and EQ as safety “railings” to keep you on the “road of progress”, be patient and slowly increase time while keeping excellent EQ.. I think you are damn near guaranteed that you will eventually hit your “break over point” and growth will start.

THEN.. Once you start getting growth, hold at that level, until growth stops. When growth stops you either add a small increase of time, or try a short decon break. I think a decon break would be the better option to try first.

Warning! If you haven’t gotten improved erections:

Originally Posted by skeebo
This is a great thread. Its like a “Best of Thunder’s Place” of solid gems from over the years. Reading though some of these has reminded me of what has helped me grow over time as well. I may need to research some myself.

Thank you very much for the insights skeebo.

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