Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Aiming only for length


Need Length Advice

I’m currently BPEL: 6.3” and EG: 5.3”

That being said, I’m perfectly content with my EG, so I’m really not concerned about it. I would, however, like a little more length. Will strictly stretching without jelqing give me any length benefits? Also—I realize this may be a dumb question—but is it possible that if I aimed only for length, that I would end up sacrificing some of my girth in the process? Because that’s not at all what I’m aiming for. Thanks in advance for all the help.

Last edited by mclovin88 : 05-04-2010 at .

Stretching helps a lot with flaccid length. I found one of the best methods to gain length (both flaccid and erect) is wet jelqing, although it a little messy it’s definitely good for length. As for your second question, I would think of your penis like you would your entire body: Spot training just doesn’t work. I think your best bet would be working on all aspects of the penis: Girth, length, and overall health. Hope that helps bud.

Just stretch and jelq occassionally for overal penile health. Start stretching for like 10 minutes and then slowly increase the time stretching over time. Like, 2-3 minutes every other week or so. Your unit might look thinner once you start gaining some length.

Yeah, I think Total Package is right.

I also agree.

You should also practise wet jelqing. It’s unlikely to give you much if any girth and it is fantastic in promoting the health and vascularity of your penis. It will also make your penis respond more positively to stretching.

Just in response to Total Package / UFGator.. Don’t jelq or do PE for “overall penis health”! A bigger penis is not in anyway “healthier”, so your penis doesn’t become “healthier” if you can make it longer or thinker. Jelqing, stretching and other penis exercises are not medically recommended activities for good health. If you want to do them fine, just get the information strait and don’t fool yourself or others with false motivations.

They are recommended by the vast majority of the people who tried them, Wow_too_much. Jelqs tend to make your penis bigger and healtier. It has actually been a cure for my incipient ED, just to speak.

Originally Posted by Tweaking
I also agree.

You should also practise wet jelqing. It's unlikely to give you much if any girth and it is fantastic in promoting the health and vascularity of your penis. It will also make your penis respond more positively to stretching.

I don’t know about that Tweak. I have done exclusively stretching/jelqing from the start and my penis is much thicker than before. I can’t imagine that thickness came from just stretching.

Originally Posted by Wow_too_much
Just in response to Total Package / UFGator.. Don’t jelq or do PE for “overall penis health”! A bigger penis is not in anyway “healthier”, so your penis doesn’t become “healthier” if you can make it longer or thinker. Jelqing, stretching and other penis exercises are not medically recommended activities for good health. If you want to do them fine, just get the information strait and don’t fool yourself or others with false motivations.

Jelqing and stretching has improved the health of many guys penises. There are threads at Thunders Place that address such issues, and in my case has drastically improved the quality of my erections as well as the ease of arousal without supplementation. The plus side is you also slowly gain length and girth. So false motivation is probably not the best term to be using at Thunders.

Originally Posted by Total Package

Jelqing and stretching has improved the health of many guys penises. There are threads at Thunders Place that address such issues, and in my case has drastically improved the quality of my erections as well as the ease of arousal without supplementation. The plus side is you also slowly gain length and girth. So false motivation is probably not the best term to be using at Thunders.

Agreed. There is much evidence here to support the positive claims of the effects of stretching and jelqing. My advice wow_too_much is to give it a go and see what happens. Start slow though at first as there is a risk of injury from overdoing it.

Originally Posted by Wow_too_much

Just in response to Total Package / UFGator.. Don’t jelq or do PE for “overall penis health”! A bigger penis is not in anyway “healthier”, so your penis doesn’t become “healthier” if you can make it longer or thinker. Jelqing, stretching and other penis exercises are not medically recommended activities for good health. If you want to do them fine, just get the information strait and don’t fool yourself or others with false motivations.

You’re so wrong. :) Jelqing does wonders for penis health and a lot of guys here can confirm that. Kegels and jelqing sent my EQ sky high.

Originally Posted by quickbeam1213
I don’t know about that Tweak. I have done exclusively stretching/jelqing from the start and my penis is much thicker than before. I can’t imagine that thickness came from just stretching.

Fair enough. Everyone’s different. Personally I’ve never expected wet jelqing to give me any actual girth gains, though it has certainly given me ridiculous EQ which has ultimately meant my girth is bigger (and dick a lot harder), is it possible that the same is true for you? Stretching does also yield some girth gains, at least if your stretching the tunica rather than the ligs.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure there are people who gain girth from wet jelqing, but I just don’t see wet jelqing primarily as an exercise designed to increase girth, I see it more as a bread and butter exercise that will boost EQ while supporting length and girth gains.

This is in contrast - and not to be confused - with dry jelqing, which, I believe, affects the penis quite differently, and IS an exercise designed to increase penis girth.

Well I’m willing to say, that if these exercises improve your erection quality because of erectile dysfunction, you could consider them to be healthy. This is mainly psychological health that is gained by the lowering of stress and disappointment during sexual activities. But I assume that most people on this site do not have erectile dysfunction, and I assumed that the poster probably does not have it. Am I wrong?

For anyone who does NOT have erectile dysfunction, and additionally has good quality erections and sex, I fail to see ANY health benefits. I haven’t seen any studies indicating that these activities generally improve the health of men or that they are recommended for the general population (in the way that regular exercise like jogging, riding a bike, and so on are recommended for “general health”). So have I missed these studies or is the medical establishment wrong?

Of course, I’m not saying that PE has no benefits. If someone wants a certain sized penis, bigger than the one they have, and they can achieve this goal, they could enjoy this luxury. But it wouldn’t improve their health or be anything more than a luxury.

Sorry dude, but it is indeed a health benefit when your penis works better.


Originally Posted by Wow_too_much
For anyone who does NOT have erectile dysfunction, and additionally has good quality erections and sex, I fail to see ANY health benefits….

…Of course, I’m not saying that PE has no benefits.


Exercises such as jelqing at the least increase your EQ to its maximum level. An easy analogy is going to the gym several times a week and practising weight training and some cardio. All it will do is put you in a peak physical condition. The best you can be. Jelqing is the same except you are localising the benefit in your penis, instead of in the (admittedly) much larger cardiovascular, respiratory, skeletal and skeletal muscle systems. So even though it’s not necessarily correcting a health defect just as weight training is not neccessarily correcting a health defect, that doesn’t imply that it is in and of itself not a health benefit. Capeche?

In my humble opinion, PE is more the training of a Super-Human power, something that is beyond what nature intended. The human species has always strived to do this, defy what appears to be nature’s intent for us.


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