Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Starting today, I am aiming for 8"x5.5"


Starting today, I am aiming for 8"x5.5"

PE caught my attention a while back when I heard about it in another forum. I had always thought it was bs and was only a scam to get money out of playing with guys insecurities.but then I heard it worked.damn! Well, I looked it up but it seemed like too much work and I was also scared of people finding out I did this as I didn’t have much privacy (dorm room, and back home didn’t get much).

Well anyways I have done some stretching in the shower here and there and some jelquing once in a while and I think I’ve gotten some passive gains. I don’t remember what I measure at before (I may have posted it on here at some point a while back) but right now I am at 6.5”x4.5”.

I want to get big enough to where a girl eyes will light up when she first sees it and gets excited. I want to have more girls feel like a tight fit (I can’t only think of one girl who felt that way, I think it probably has to do with the 4.5” girth). I read in a book about women where a woman confessed that women hear about guys with big dicks and will often times seek them out when they want to have an affair of are really horny (book is called Women’s Infidelity, really good book talks about everything including how/why women often lose interest in sex after a while). Anyways that part of the book really caught my eye. It made me see that women say it’s okay that they don’t like it that big but in reality they are usually just lying to avoid the slut label or to make guys feel better. Regardless I want to be in the big dick category lol.

So I am thinking of going for 8”BPEL and 5.5 in girth. I am going to start doing the newbie routine for a while until I get a room to myself in a couple of months. I feel like the newbie routine is alright but too slow, I want to try the Bib Hanger when I get some more privacy to skyrocket my results. I feel like the length gain will come rather quickly and that the girth is really where it will take some more time. Anyways thanks for the resource guys, I will keep you posted!

Good luck! (Better late than never :D )

Good luck.

Good luck fella :)

Starting again stats will arrive shortly

Good luck. Don’t rush too fast.

So my dick was a little sore today. I go to the bathroom and there’s this wicked big vein bulging out below the head. I am uncircumcised by the way. I have had this come up before I thought it might have been from this time I had some of the skin tear (not from PE) and figured it was what scar tissue looked on a penis, but it is only visible when I put pressure on my penis (from PE exercises). However, this was really big, I might take a picture of it and post it. Is this normal? All I did yesterday was the newbie routine minus the PC exercises.

I would give the vein a name, like Vinny.

The great elm.

Originally Posted by ellm
I would give the vein a name, like Vinny.

Hahaha, I’ll keep that noted somewhere.

I had forgotten that I had done the double blaster (think that’s what it’s called) too and that’s definitely what brought Vinny in.

I was able to get rid of the vein by working on it like I would a knot. It worked, I guess it was just trapped blood or hardened veins or something. Anywho it worked and I’ve decided to take a day off today.

Also correction I’m ~6.75” long, I gotta get a bigger ruler (all I have is two 6” rulers). So .75” gain through pullin on my wanker here and there for a while. I read a post that 7”x5.5” is porno dick size. That’s only .25” more in length, doesn’t that just seem like not that big at all?

This is the same goal I am hoping to achieve. Good luck.

Originally Posted by WangChung4U
Hahaha, I’ll keep that noted somewhere.

I had forgotten that I had done the double blaster (think that’s what it’s called) too and that’s definitely what brought Vinny in.

I was able to get rid of the vein by working on it like I would a knot. It worked, I guess it was just trapped blood or hardened veins or something. Anywho it worked and I’ve decided to take a day off today.

Also correction I’m ~6.75” long, I gotta get a bigger ruler (all I have is two 6” rulers). So .75” gain through pullin on my wanker here and there for a while. I read a post that 7”x5.5” is porno dick size. That’s only .25” more in length, doesn’t that just seem like not that big at all?

I think when they say 7” x 5.5” is a porn sized dick I think they mean non-bone pressed. Is that how you measure?

Pre-PE: BPEL 6.25" NBPEL 5.8" EG 5.75 " Now: BPEL 7" NBPEL 6.5" EG 5.95"

Final goal: BPEL 7.5" NBPEL 7" EG 6"

Originally Posted by thecrow19
I think when they say 7” x 5.5” is a porn sized dick I think they mean non-bone pressed. Is that how you measure?

Yeah that makes sense, 6.75” is BPEL.

Originally Posted by rnrrx
This is the same goal I am hoping to achieve. Good luck.

Cool man, where are you at right now? I checked your update but it’s like 2 years old.

Thanks for the support guys I’ll keep you posted as things progress. How important are the PC exercises? They feel a bit tedious and besides orgasm control I don’t really see how important it could really be.

I’ve been off and on, mostly off since I joined. I just recently started a new PE routine(well the newbie routine anyway) and will stay motivated this time. Since then I have seen about 1/4” in length increase, and negligible girth increase, because I wasn’t consistent enough.

Once I stop having browser trouble when trying to post threads, I am posting new pictures.

Good luck on your journey, just be careful not to overdo it. The bulging vein could be a indication that you are stressing your unit too much.

I would strongly suggest to stick to the newbie routine for a while without any additional exercises.

Start (11/08): BPEL 16.0cm (6.3"), EGMS 11.2cm (4.4")

Now (05/09): BPEL 18.4cm (7.24"), EGMS 12.1cm (4.76")

If by PC exercise you mean Kegels (done non-erect, but just flexing the muscle with a squeeze and hold for 5 seconds, then repeat), I will say this: don’t skimp on them.

Find time to do 50 a day. It really makes a difference.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

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