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Am I doing it right? Erection while jelqing

Am I doing it right? Erection while jelqing

Hi there,

I’m new to this forum and this is my first post. I did use the search function but strangely couldn’t find my question answered although I imagine it to be pretty common.

Anyways, I read a lot and I see that there are a lot of jelqing techniques and routines. I understand every body is different in their penis’ response to the various techniques but I’d still like to know if what I’m doing is a good approach.
As I understand patience and caution are the biggest virtues when doing penis enlargement I started out with what I think is called the linear newbie routine.

I started doing 10-20 wet jelqs a day under the shower (using shampoo as lubricant which works fine but I just read that that’s not good, why?). I do two days of routine, then one day off. I increased the ammount of jelqs every third day. I’m almost a month in now and at 60-70 jelqs a day.
I did meassure my penis at the beginning, haven’t meassured it since but I don’t feel I’ve got any gains yet which is ok.

Now anyways, on to my questions:
I read here: Jelqing & Stretching 101
That it’s not good having an erection whilst jelqing nor is it good to use shampoo.
So I am now thinking about dry jelqing, (more handy even as my showers are getting longer and longer:) ).
I will increase the amount as I’m doing now untill I’m at about 200-300 jelqs a day or more. If I’m noticing gains - I’ve probably measured it by then - I will continue.
If not I will then switch to another, perhaps more advanced routine.

Any confirmations I’m following a proper workout plan?:)

Thanks in advanced! I also think mindset is pretty big factor in the penis enlargment so I’m very excited and will definitely post in the progress forum within a couple of months!

Hi, welcome to the forum.

Originally Posted by ValtarSig
Using shampoo as lubricant which works fine but I just read that that’s not good, why?

Shampoo and soap causes skin irritation on most of the people and If some of it went down inside urethra you might feel some pain.

I think you should warm up with different method, like rice-sock or hot wash cloth … shower is not enough to penetrate the heat.

Have nice one, cheers.

Shampoo is not a good lubricant because it’s a detergent and it ultimately dries the skin, especially if you rub it in repeatedly or leave on for long periods.

You need a partial erection, let’s say. You need to be maybe 60%+ or your erect capacity, so enough blood that it’s well engorged but not so much that you cannot manipulate the shape of the penis, pushing the blood around. Jelqing is about creating waves in the tissue of the penis by forcefully pushing up the shaft, allow the blood to fall back through the grip as you grip progresses up the shaft.

Dry jelqing is fine. Being from the Netherlands you probably haven’t suffered male genital mutilation, which may mean you can dry jelq the entire shaft in one go.

Give the linear routine time but also take note of what your penis is telling you. Take two days off before measurement to ensure that you are measuring actual growth rather than temporary pump.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

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