Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

An intro and a thanks.

An intro and a thanks.

I’ve been lurking for quite a while now and am finally ready to post. I’d like to first say thanks to ThunderSS and all the others who make it all possible. Secondly, although the forum is well organized and is equipped with a great search function, it is still overwhelming!

Now, for my intro, I’m 23, white, with an NBPEL of 13cm or 5 & 2/16” and an EG of 11&7/10cm or 4&11/16”. I went searching for organized PE due to a ‘painful’ bend in my erection that I KNOW I created with the way that I masturbate. I masturbate right handed without lube with thumb right behind and above the head with 2 fingers on the meatus and the stroke is only a couple of inches, these fingers and thumb never leave the skin they are placed on since to do so would require lube. This style of masturbation has forced the shaft to curve leftwards the last couple of inches closest to the head and bank like a race car track on a curve/bend/loop.
This has resulted in painful sex at least some of the time and woman on top is always completely unbearable.

I’ve tried luvdadus’ newbie routine but I continually injure myself at the starting point of the bend when performing the jelq this results in darkened urine( I beleive blood and not just heavy with waste product) and VERY painful urination. For this reason I beleive that going directly to hanging is the best way to go.

ANY input would be wonderful.

Again many thanks to everyone here! Especially ThunderSS(of course :)

At what erection level do you jelq?

Lube or dry?

Have you tried RB’s method of jelqing using two hands and only the fingertips?

Sounds like you’re squeezing too hard on your corpus spongiosum or jelqing at too high an erection level.

Welcome to the posting side of Thunder’s Place. :)

Welcome 2helpings.

I think you must be using wrong technique while jelqing, thereby causing damage to your Urethra. If you feel pain while peeing and blood is present in the urine, you have to stop your workouts until you heal.

About technique: It seems to me that you’re gripping either “sinking” the tip of your fingers in or squeezing too hard on the Urethra and Corpus Spongiosum. When jelqing, you want to exert presure on the sides of the penis (on the Corpora Cavernosa) and not on the top or bottom, where delicate structures are located.

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