Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




Well, I’ve been lurking around here for a while now, and I thought I should probably post an intro, as I may wish to post a question or two in the future, and I think it would be slightly rude not to give some background info before hand.

I’m 18 years old, and I’ve been doing PE for about 6 months now. I started out at 6.5 inches (I’m not sure what the abbreviation you use for this is, but it’s’ the open where I just rested the ruler along the side, without pressing in), in length, and 5” in girth. I joined the Massive Member website, and started using there advanced program. In the first month, I gained 3/4” in length, and 0.5” in girth. After that, my results tapered off, and I managed to gain another 1/4” in length the next two months, and I’ve been on a “plateau” ever since.

So, at 7.5” length, and 5.5” girth (with a goal of 8.5” length, and 5.75-6” girth), I’m going to drastically modify my routine. I feel that I’ve been on plateau long enough to have “cemented my gains” (several times over, in fact). So, I’m going to start stretching, which is something I never did with the MM program, as the stretch exercise the give is highly difficult (damn near impossible, really… stretching while fully erect, and lobed up), but after reading posts here, I see that this is in fact a crucial exercise I have overlooked. I’ll also drop girth “squeezes”, cause there not working anymore… if I gain more through jelqing, cool, but I figure I can always go back and work on girth.

I’ll also be continuing a length exercise they use, and extending the time of it from my current 7min, to 10min, and dropping the regular jelq, which I feel is no longer effective.

The length exercise is basically just, 1) get an erection, and use a “tourniquet hold” (I use a rubber band) to trap blood in the penis, 2) perform the jelq motion a set number of times.

So, that’s my story/intro/what-have-you.
Just stopping in to let you know I may be stopping in again.

Hey anguelus,


(I’m not sure what the abbreviation you use for this is, but it’s’ the open where I just rested the ruler along the side, without pressing in)

That’s called NBP — non-bone pressed.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

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