Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just an intro

Just an intro

Hi, guys. I’m a newbie, just getting a start. I am away from home on business for two months, and decided that this would be a good time to start a program because I won’t have the distractions of my usual life while I’m sitting around in a hotel room. I figure 2 solid months should be enough to instill a habit and get some results for added motivation. I did do a month or so of PE about 4 years ago, but then I allowed other things to get in the way and just sort of “petered out.” (ha ha)

So, I have been at this for about a month, and am astonished at the results so far. I haven’t been measuring (decided I’d wait until I got back home to avoid the “watched pot” syndrome. But, I know I have gained some girth and my flaccid hang is about 75% longer, with much more girth than before. It’s encouraging to see (and feel!) the difference already. Although I didn’t do my initial measurements BP, I started at a NBPEL of 6.8 and an EG of 4.6. I would like to get to 9 x 6. I have a LOT of 6, so I’m supposing I may have some challenges in terms of length, but I guess I’ll cross those bridges later. In any case, if I can gain some girth I’ll be thrilled. I have always felt like my dick was sort of long and skinny looking, and I like the look of something thicker and weightier.

<shrug> So that’s it, just thought I’d say hi instead of lurking.

Don’t really sweat LOT unless you are stretching or hanging. Sometimes jelqing is the most unappreciated method around and sometimes gives the most AMAZING results.

What routine are you following? Please keep up the good work.

Welcome aboard my friend, glad you could introduce yourself.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Welcome to Thunder’s Ganymede,

Congrats on your gains already. Lurkng for a while has it’s advantages (mainly diverting stupid questions which seems to happen with some newbies). But I’m glad you spoke up and said hey. Looks like you have a handle on things, and are moving in the right direction. This is a great group here. All supportive and encouraging, most are helpful and are willing to share. You’ll love it here. I know I do. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Again, welcome.

It looks as if you’ve already found the LOT thread from Bigger. Here’s another that is worth taking the time to read. It’s Sparkyz’s PI Thread

Hope this helps!


Welcome dude !

Hey Guys, thanks for the welcome and the link, ynarevith. As for my routine, I am sticking to a pretty basic routine: 5 minute warm up, 5-10 min stretching, 15 min wet jelqing, 5 minute warm-down. I have recently added a little bit of squeezing, proceeding with caution. I feel like I’m getting a better sense of what a good workout should feel like, both during and after.

That’s what it’s all about Ganymede.


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