Andractim gave me 1 cm in 2 weeks
Holy shit why isn’t this cream popular? Literally doesn’t shut down your testosterone production (studies shown) Gives no estrogen side effects, can apply it to your face for guaranteed beard growth also
I applied a very small amount on my penis and Immidieatly after 3-4 days I felt like my dick had changed bigger flaccid definetly I’ve always measured 19 cm alwayys measured like once a week for years always 19 cm, and now it’s 20 cm this must be the andractim can’t be anything else..
Why is this cream not fucking everywhere? Seriously??
Testosterone works systemic so applying it to ur dick won’t work as it goes anyways to your body but applying DHT cream to ur dick binds to the androgen receptors/pathways in your dick and feeds them..
Thhis is ridicilous how this isnt popular .. Very very weird how nobody is talking about dht cream.