Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Any other 18, 19 year olds who PE

I’m 18. Just started PE for about 3 weeks now. I hope to see gains soon, but I may be the ones that gain slowly because of my low L.O.T…

I`m 20 years old. I did 4-5 weeks of newbie routine. About 0,7 inches in length and visible enlargement in base girth.

Originally Posted by Bird2
I am 18 and have gained 3.75cm in length and 3 cm in girth (reached that in october) in 10 months.

What exercises have you been doing Bird2?

I’m 19, joined Thunders just after my 18th. Been reading about PE since i was 14! Never really done any though…soon!!! I’m educated to the gills with PE info though - *head swelling* (no, not that head). My mission starts 2006…going for at least 1” length and 1/2” girth.


Start (22/04/2013) - 6.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG

Now (12/06/2013) - 7" BPEL x 5.25" MSEG

Current Aim - 7.25" BPEL x 5.25" MSEG

Originally Posted by Nick666
What exercises have you been doing Bird2?

Many, manual excersises. My routine changes form time to time but these are the excersises who had impact on my gains: stretching, inverted v stretch, ulis, horses, clamping, jelqing, amazing isometrics and birdies.

Have any of you guys experienced any discoloration or darkening of your units? I’m asking cause allot of you have made good newbie gains. Really all I’m looking for is 0.75 inches in girth and what ever length comes. Right now I’ve gained about .25 EL but no girth. I don’t really want any discoloration so it would be helpful to know. Thanks allot. BTW I’m 25 little older than you guys but not much.

Originally Posted by NonStock2001
Have any of you guys experienced any discoloration or darkening of your units? I’m asking cause allot of you have made good newbie gains. Really all I’m looking for is 0.75 inches in girth and what ever length comes. Right now I’ve gained about .25 EL but no girth. I don’t really want any discoloration so it would be helpful to know. Thanks allot. BTW I’m 25 little older than you guys but not much.

I had some discoloration before starting PE. It has become somewhat more but not much, I think that it is just the enlargement of the discoloration I already had which comes with gaining.

I’m 20, but i started PE when I was 17. Gains to date are about 1/2 inch in length and 1/4 inch in girth, but I’ll keep pluggin away until I hit 7.5 inches NBP, so I’ve got an inch to go, and PE has become a lifetime thing for me, and it may take a lifetime for me to get that inch.

I’m 18, and I have been shit scared of my penis size since I was about 12. I’m still a virgin, hell, don’t think a girl has even seen my penis.

However, I hope things will change

Back in my early days (12-13) I was just over 4 inches NBPEL, but I didn’t think too much about it, just whacked off a lot. It steadily grew over puberty (I was about a year behind everyone else) and before I started PE, It was just a slither under 7” NBEL and 4.75EG

4 months later, to where I am now, I am 7.75” NBEL and 5.25EG. Pretty good gains in my opinion. The thing is, it hasn’t boosted my confidence one bit, I’m still as paranoid as ever.


Currently not doing PE


Important Message

Wow we have a lot of young guys on this forum it’s a shame the FCC is forcing us to change the minimum age from 18 to 21. Thunder has been paying a lawyer a lot of money to fight it but the FCC is very powerful and so far we have lost the fight. So what this comes down to is on January 1 thunders becomes a over 21 forum! Sorry guys if you want to help you can call or write the FCC.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Important Message

Wow we have a lot of young guys on this forum it’s a shame the FCC is forcing us to change the minimum age from 18 to 21. Thunder has been paying a lawyer a lot of money to fight it but the FCC is very powerful and so far we have lost the fight. So what this comes down to is on January 1 thunders becomes a over 21 forum! Sorry guys if you want to help you can call or write the FCC.

Other sexual forums like has many members that are even younger than 18. Dino, or other mods, can you explain me why thunders has an obligated age limit by the FCC and these sites not.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
I talked to Al Gore (a person I am really close to) and he said he will fix the problem.

Dino is pulling your leg Bird2.

:rolling: Good thing Thunder is I mean knows Al Gore

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I know John Kerry, not like that would help much!

Man who farts in church sits in pew...

I know a lot of famous celebrities!

… just not personaly…


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