Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Any other 18, 19 year olds who PE

Any other 18, 19 year olds who PE

Hi just wondering what kind of gains you made.

gains so far have been 1inch started last April I think gains have slowed now though probably because I spend too much time reading Thunders and not enough PEing. Oh yea I’m 18, 19 in Feb though. What about you?

The 1inch was in length and I’ve increased girth by .25 I’ve not been targeting girth yet though.

I’m 19

Hey guys I’m 19 and have been visiting Thunders for a year now. After jelqing for ten months,I gained .75” in girth and 1.0” in length. I’m now clamping, and after two months I’ve added another .25” in girth and a smidgen of length. My routine was, for the first 10 months, 15 minutes of jelqing a day. After my gains stopped coming, I switched to clamping and plan now to do it for quite awhile. I have never had an injury of any kind.

I’m 18 and have gained roughly 0.25” EL in almost 3 months of dedicated PE. Unfortunately I overdid it initially which set me back, a common trap for small, youngs guys to fall foul of. My gains appear to be picking up though.

Looking for that magic 6" of EL...

Progress Report

I am 18 and have gained 3.75cm in length and 3 cm in girth (reached that in october) in 10 months.

I’m 18 and have come to P.E for erection benefits but any increase in size would be sweet too. I am confident enough in my knowledge now, and I am starting today!

Right now measuring fairly conservatively I am 7”x5.5”, it would be unreal to hit 8”x6” in a year, and maybe get up to 5.5” or so flaccid. I plan to plan to Jelq, use a vacuum pump in moderation, and also kegel a lot.

I’m 19, almost 20. I started a few months ago. So far I have made small gains but I think the newbie gains are starting to kick in because it feels and looks a lot bigger. I plan on doing it for a year or so and see where i end up.

My Goal...To Look good NAKED

Hi fat76 we’ve made roughly the same gains in length that is, I’ve not gone for girth as I thought this slows down or even stops any more length gains? I would really like to get another .25 in length before April. Currently I just Jelq and stretch but I’m going to start hanging soon hopefully to add this .25 L. Do you just manual clamp? what is your routine now, are you only going for girth?

Im 19, and have been at this roughly two months.

On a good day, my length can hit 7.75, when before I could only hit a little over 7. And my girth has gone up from a steady 5 to around 5.2-5.3. I am going to be focusing on girth more.

Not going for a monster…But if I end up with one a few years from now, I won’t be complaining :)

I am 18 and just started. Pray for me. :) . This is my second week ending. Dun Dun dun. I Hope to gain an inch in length and 3/4 inch in girth after a year of PE. I hope I can.

Starting(November 28th)=BPEL:5.9 inches EG midshaft: 4.375 inches ST Goal: 6.5 X 4.5 LT Goal: 8 X 6 Long ways to go. "You miss all the shots you don't take."

I used to be an 18,19 year old who PE’d, but I grew up :D

I’m three.

I have a solid roll of dimes going, up from my chap stick size.

I’m 19 too, hopefully I can have gains like you other guys have. It’s nice to see younger guys out here to see how they gain, great inspiration!

Man who farts in church sits in pew...

Robbit, I currently clamp for 3 sets at 10 minutes each with two clamps around the base of my unit. I do just this 5 days on, two off. I have seen length gains from clamping just like aristocane. I haven’t tried hanging just yet, but if you truly are well conditioned from jelqing, then clamping, in my opinion, is the best way to go. Right now, I’m about 8” BP, so I don’t have any immediate plans to start a length exercise, but I’m open to the option in the future. I hope this has helped you and good luck with the gains.

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