Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Any other 18, 19 year olds who PE

I’m 19 and have grown about half a centimetre in length(I don’t often measure girth). I have struggled with insensitivity and excessive masturbation and this has meant that I have only had about 8 proper sessions. I stick mainly to jelqs but have started to stretch a little more. My start length was 14 cm so I am now 14,5. Ideally I would like to hit the 6 inch mark(15 cm) and anything that comes after that would be amazing. Don’t you just love thundersplace. I use the search engine here more than google.

19 years old. Been here for 5 months, with gains at .5” Bone-Pressed, and .375” Non-Bone-Pressed so far.

I was 14 cm when I started. After about 8 intermittent sessions I have reached 14,5 cm. I have had to take it really slow due to over masturbation and hurting my penis. However, I haven’t really injured myself yet and I have no intention of doing so. It is amazing how powerful my penis is starting to look.

It seems young guys gain really quick, for the short time I was jelqing my penis looked so much beefier than normal. Unfortunately I have a small injury so probably won’t be getting back into pe for a while.

I’m 21 but I look like I’m 16. Puberty came about 5 years late for me, good thing I have some good genetics.

"Well, people from Tennessee are generaly good at whatever it is they do even though they usually have no clue what they're doing."


I am 18. Gained about 1-1.5” in length and 0.5-0.8” in girth :D WOOT !

I am 4300 years old but I think like a 18-19 year old. Been at it for while, even old farts like me can grow something other than hair in the ears.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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