Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Apres moi le deluge.


Welcome to Thunders, Churchy Lefemme. You sound like a guy who knows where he wants to go and is willing to work for it. You should do well here on Thundersplace making gains with the knowledge presented and your own personal commitment.


Forum Guidelines PAST: 5.25"L x 4.75"G (base),EBP (January 2001) / PRESENT: 7.50"L x 7.00G (base),EBP It doesn't happen overnight! Commitment! Focus! Patience!/ Main Routine = Pumping/Jelqing/clamping + Homedic TheraP or ACE Wrap TheraP or ACE Wrap

Since I can’t start my own thread outside of the Newbie section for another ten days or so, would some kind person please start a thread titled “Who Else Hates Their Ex-Wive” over in the “Not Covered Elsewhere” section? Thanks!

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Except spell it “Wife”


"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Originally Posted by Churchy Lefemme
Since I can’t start my own thread outside of the Newbie section for another ten days or so, would some kind person please start a thread titled “Who Else Hates Their Ex-Wive” over in the “Not Covered Elsewhere” section? Thanks!

Ask and ye shall recieve.

She’s up and running Churchy…

The rest is up to you (I’ve never been married you see).

Originally Posted by doubles
Ask and ye shall recieve.

She’s up and running Churchy..

The rest is up to you (I’ve never been married you see).

Merci boucoups!

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Welcome Churchy

I think I’m going to enjoy watching you.



Just hope another thread won’t read: “Après moi, l’exode.”


Able was I ere I saw elba

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Originally Posted by Rita M.M.

I think I’m going to enjoy watching you.

Aw, gosh, thanks. I’ve just got to learn not to try to put my whole life story in every post, and not hijack threads with my personal crap.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."


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