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Are these measurements weird or normal


Are these measurements weird or normal

My NBPEL is only 4.7” :( quite depressing really, I want to work on length more than anything so my routine is

20 minutes manual stretching (sometimes I break it up during the day)
20 minutes wet jelqing at about 50% erect
3 mins warm up and warm down

Although my BPFSL is 6.5”, is it normal to have such a short NBPEL but have an extra 1.7” when flaccid stretched?

I’m thinking of investing in a bib hanger, would this be the best way to add length?

Thanks :)

I thought mine was big until I measured it and it was 5.75. You’ll grow. Keep pulling.

07/08/08 nbp 5.75; bpel 5.93; eg ?;fsl >6.25

07/31/09 nbp 6.5; bpel 7.0; eg 5.93 ; fsl 8

08/24/10 nbp 6.75;bpel 7.25; eg 6.0; fsl 9.0-Too bad PE doesnt work =D

Length takes time to get but work through manual stretching a jelqing at lower levels but make sure their not too low because it won’t do anything but go through the routine you have set up for a while and then move on to the hanging.

It is normal to have a big increase when measuring bone pressed id say I probably get like an inch extra when I bone press and I’m very thin in stature.

How much fat you do have, se7?

Stick to the Newbie Routine for now. 20 minutes of stretching + 20 minutes of jelqing sounds like too much for a beginner.

The difference between your erect and stretched lengths is normal, especially if you have a big fat pad, or your erection quality isn’t fantastic. By the way, your NBPEL is only about a half-inch smaller than average, so it’s nothing to be discouraged about. You should be able to get bigger than average with PE.

Marinera, I’m only about 150lbs, maybe 14-15% BF

Para-Goomba, thanks for the advice :) my end goal is 7” NBPEL, so a long way to go :) but I’m hopeful

If you exercise and get into great shape (~10-12% bodyfat), you may gain a quarter-inch of NBP through fat loss. Combined with PE, I bet you can reach your NBP end goal eventually. I believe that most men can gain at least an inch of length with dedication. I’d have to check my PE records, but I think it took me only about 8 months to gain almost an inch. I did it mostly through hanging, but you should stick to the Newbie routine (like I said, 20 minutes of jelq is definitely too much to start) for a few months before considering any other options.

What is your girth?

You need to invest in an All-Day Stretcher. Do some research and purchase one…


Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
If you exercise and get into great shape (~10-12% bodyfat), you may gain a quarter-inch of NBP through fat loss. Combined with PE, I bet you can reach your NBP end goal eventually. I believe that most men can gain at least an inch of length with dedication. I’d have to check my PE records, but I think it took me only about 8 months to gain almost an inch. I did it mostly through hanging, but you should stick to the Newbie routine (like I said, 20 minutes of jelq is definitely too much to start) for a few months before considering any other options.

What is your girth?

Ok, will do!

I’m 5” in girth

Well, at 5” you are above average in girth, so consider yourself fortunate in that department…

-Get your newbie gains from manual stretching, first. You will be surprised how quickly you can get newbie gains.

-matutinal_euphony brought up a good point with the ADS; personally, I like the Autoxsleeve, but there are many options out there for you.

-Bottom line though, PE is usually a tral-and-error thing for most guys, until they find what works for them. The gains come for the ones with patience and resolve.

Good luck


What is you BPEL? If you are measuring ur NBPEL to your BPSFL you will get a huge number because in measurement you are measuring BP and in the other you are not. If you must, compare your BPSFL to your BPEL and your NBPEL to your NBPSFL.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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My BPEL is 5.5”

How much more beneficial is an ADS or Bib compared to say 40 mins to 1 hr manual stretching daily?

Originally Posted by se7enx
My BPEL is 5.5”

How much more beneficial is an ADS or Bib compared to say 40 mins to 1 hr manual stretching daily?

You hands will hurt less and you will be more likely to stick to the routine.

Started: NBPEL 5.5 == EG: 5

Current: NBPEL 7.5 == EG: 6

Goal: NBPEL 8 == EG: 6

Originally Posted by mrlength
You hands will hurt less and you will be more likely to stick to the routine.

Yes, finding a routine you can stick to is the MOST important thing. Without that, you have no chance of gaining.

Some men find a manual-only routine easier to stick to, because it may take less time total. Others find a hanging routine easier to stick to, because although more hours are involved, they can do other things during most of the time.

As for your question, se7enx, some men find that manual exercises bring them more gains than hanging ever does (e.g., our moderator ModestoMan, who could not gain a millimeter through hanging, no matter what he did), so the only way to find out for yourself is starting with something and giving it a consistent effort for a couple of months. Also, for what it’s worth, I don’t think anyone does manual stretches for 40-60 minutes; that’s a hell of a long time.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
Also, for what it’s worth, I don’t think anyone does manual stretches for 40-60 minutes; that’s a hell of a long time.

Thanks Para-Goomba, that was actually worth something, it was a question I had been meaning to ask.. I don’t think I could manage a 1 hour manual stretching session! I didnt know if people actually did that or not :P

I usually manage 15-20 minutes in one session, I try to do 2 sessions per day 2 days on 1 day off

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