Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Most Accurate Measurements

Most Accurate Measurements

*Searched, didn’t find anything*

I don’t care about figuring out when and under what conditions I should measure to achieve my largest measurement. I just want my progress measurements to be accurate in relation to each other. That being said, what would you recommend I do to ensure that my updated measurements aren’t cheating me out of real gains, or conversely, making me think I’ve done better than I really have?

EDIT: the reason I bring it up is that my measurements vary wildly under different conditions. The starting measurement I chose was a ‘middle of the road’ choice. When (if) I start getting gains, however, I won’t necessarily know what an equivalent middle of the road measurement might be.

Originally Posted by Tachyon Express
*Searched, didn’t find anything*

Really? Are you sure?

"Measurement": /forum/search.p … earchid=1461034

"Measure":/forum/search.p … earchid=1461035

"Measuring": /forum/search.p … earchid=1461039

OK, I’m busting your chops a little. I do understand the desire to talk about this stuff. But the search function really is a cool feature, and it works pretty well most of the time. :) How to use the Search button for best results

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