Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Are these realistic goals

Nick, first off - best of luck, this stuff is tough and it takes commitment, motivation, and a positive outlook.

As the other’s have already said, in their own knowledgeable way, this is a marathon, not a sprint; start thinking about getting the exercises perfect, finding the correct balance of intensity, and duration, without blowing your penis up, and pretty soon you will forget about how many months you’ve been doing it - trust me, when those first gains come, you’ll be so excited you won’t care how long it’s taken, or how long it’s going to take to reach your goals.

Waking up in the morning with a bigger dick is a great feeling.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Nick, I am sure that a lot of the folk here have given you some great advice. The most important thing to note is that you can achieve the desired goals however there are rather too many elements involved fro us to try forecast the length of time it would take. My advice is follow the newbie program, continue with active research and learn from the veterans and others here. I too am young and have often time been very impatient however my advice is do your thing and do it properly, you will gain and those desired goals will be realised give it time and most importantly dedication.( Forget not about rest for it too is of great importance.) Best wishes and push for those goals but remember it takes time.

05/12/2005 : BPEL: 6.1"x EG:5.5" Current as of : 24/12/2011 : BPEL 7.87" x EG: 6.3" Long term Goal 8.5"x 6.4"

" There is only one option success; for failure is the refusal to persist"

Thanks very much for the wise words everyone. Every single word is helpful for me. Because I don’t know what I don’t know.

(To the 2 guys above me - your gains are inspiring! :O I’ll definetly be taking a peek at your routines shortly)

I get the feeling some of you are trying to tell me it takes time? Hehe :P Well, thanks to what you guys have told me, and from what I’ve read from the various attitudes of the vets around here, my state of mind is well into long term. Which is good, since I am not setting my expectations too high. Though, some sort of noticeable change after 3 weeks would be nice, but I’m not going to count on it.

After reading the newbie guides and various threads around this forum, out of the 5 initial questions I had, I still have 2 remaining:

1. In a routine, is it best to stretch before or after jelqing? And why?

2. Is it normal for your flaccid penis to tighten up (and therefore lessen in size) after your jelqing session? (Mine is plump for about the first 5 or 10 minutes after my jelqing sessions. Then it turns tight and sorta shrivelled for an hour or two. Anything to worry about here?)

And another question.

3. I’ve discovered that my LOT is around 6. With this knowledge, what PE exercises would be most beneficial for me?

And one more!

4. Can somebody provide me with the most common “length gain oriented” routine VS a “girth gain orientated” routine, so I can see the difference? That would be interesting and beneficial to me.

Thanks heaps to anyone who can provide me with more knowledge!

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Last edited by nick33 : 04-03-2007 at .

Nick, as you stated your girlfriend is 17 and was a virgin before you. The reason she’s not gasping for breath and screaming for lust is probably that she’s new to sex. The last thing she worries about is the size of your dick, which probably is perfect for a 17 year old virgin.

Don’t stop PE:ing, but remember that most women would choose a good lover with average size over a big-dicked guy who’s lousy in bed.

Originally Posted by vurpollon
Nick, as you stated your girlfriend is 17 and was a virgin before you. The reason she’s not gasping for breath and screaming for lust is probably that she’s new to sex. The last thing she worries about is the size of your dick, which probably is perfect for a 17 year old virgin.

Yeah, she was new to sex after the first 5 or 10 times though I reckon. I doubt you can class her as “new to sex” now. We’ve done it probably 35+ times now. She is used to the feeling I’d say.

But I think you’re right. I doubt she really cares about the size of my dick. However, it’s safe to assume any girl would want a bigger one than what I’m currently sporting. It’s just the way it is. Women can’t help it if want what satisfies them more in bed.

Lucky for me, since nobody had fucked her before me. Her pussy wraps around my cock pretty nicely, so she atleast feels it. (She’s a tall girl though, so based on proportions, she probably doesn’t have the smallest vagina in the world, which is unlucky for me in this current situation I guess)

But mainly, I want to get a bigger dick for the future, and also to make sex more enjoyable for my girl (who I love).

Originally Posted by vurpollon
Don’t stop PE:ing, but remember that most women would choose a good lover with average size over a big-dicked guy who’s lousy in bed.

Hmm. I think that is just a cop-out excuse to make the guys that aren’t as blessed with a large tool feel better. ;)

Anyways, can anybody answer my questions?

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

#1 I have no idea, and I don’t think anyone can give a scientific answer.

#2 Not uncommon at all. Some believe this is contraproductive - see “Never let it turtle” and “Wrapping for passive PE” for more info.

#3 Forget about LOT. Don’t waste your time wondering.

#4 Stretching only would be very lengthoriented. Jelqing and doing Orange Bends would be girth oriented.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Learn how to give good head in the meantime. If you want her screaming out in ecstasy (or at least moving and writhing around like it). Just do a search or two on how to eat pussy or cunnilingus techniques.

Assuming she’s not getting off on your unit, which is usually the case for me too, she’ll thank you to tears (or at least be thinking it in her head) when you go down on her. So then you can both get yours so to speak. It’ll keep her from getting bored if she really has gotten used to you, and your bigger dick will slowly creep up on her.

It’s already been said before but your goals are unrealistic, at least in terms of how I have gained. I think over an inch in both girth and length will take a year or longer. Once you get used to p.e it becomes habit and somewhat enjoyable.

P.E is like playing the lotto it may not pay off but it’s worth playing just to imagine the possibilities.

Starting: (2/1/06) (nbpel=7.8) (bpel=8.15) (eg=5 3/16)

06/29/07: (nbpel=8 1/2) (bpel=9) (mid eg=6) (base eg 6.25)

Comparison Pictures, 8in to 9in= My Comparison Pic thread.

Are you able to make her cum with your finger/s or tongue? If not, you got a steep learning curb. If you can’t bring her to orgasm with your digits and tongue and your dick is on the low average side, you’re getting a very low grade. Get to work right way. You have to start doing the routine posted as newbie then follow the vets advice here at Thunder. Other sites maybe helpful, but IMO, waste of time and even money. Btw, I agree with Vurpollon’s comment. It took me about a year to reach my initial goal. Good Luck.

I’m 20 now and have been with the same girl for more than 2 years. If both of you are willing to learn, you’ll need to talk to each other about what you need in bed.

You want her to make lots of noise but did you ever ask her what she needs for that to happen? Has she orgasmed with you in bed? Is she holding back because she thinks it’s inappropriate? Maybe she just doesn’t naturally make noise (such as when she masturbates). You should find a way to communicate with her. Wait until you’re having lunch the next day or maybe during dinner, but definitely do not talk about it while in bed.

She’s new to sex (yes, 3 months is still new.) Having a larger penis isn’t going to guarantee she’ll make noise. Do not count on PE to make sex perfect for you too. It has taken me 2 years to gain 1” in length (from 4.8 to 5.8) and am still at just under 4.5” girth.

There are plenty of sex technique sites on the web, although avoid porn sites because it is all acting. One thing I’ve had great success with is playing with her clit during penetration. Have her rub it during penetration. You will want to focus more on increasing stamina. 5 to 10min isn’t long enough for her to have a clitoral orgasm unless she is already on the brink before you enter her (which I highly recommend you work on). There are plenty of guys here looking to increase their stamina.

Personally I’ve never had an issue of size related to satisfaction with her although I’m definitely running the slow marathon to improve that aspect. I figure, I can last as long as I need to (40+), give decent head, and have her come during fingering, I’ll be okay for long enough to let my dick catch up.

Sex is a learning experience. I highly recommend focusing on what she needs, rather than what you want. Once you do that, the things you want will magically fall into place. This happens because once she is satisfied, she will readily satisfy you.

nick33, I would keep the idea of pleasing your girlfriend and PE separate in your head. I’m sure you’d rather penetrate her with a larger penis, and she might enjoy it, too. But as others have said, there are a lot of other things besides size that have a much bigger effect on how much a woman enjoys having sex with you. By telling yourself that you “must have 1,5 inches gain within such and such a timeframe,” you’re putting way too much pressure on yourself. I mean, why even choose a timeframe for your goals? Everyone’s body is different and grows at different rates (if at all), and you don’t really know how yours will respond to PE, yet, so there’s really no point in specifying how many months you’re going to give yourself to attain a certain goal.

Also, I would think longterm, and not in terms of pleasing your CURRENT girlfriend. If you’re like me, at age 19, you still have a whole bunch of future girlfriends to cycle through before you find the right one. Just enjoy exploring and live in the moment a little more, instead of stressing about being able to please her with a gigantic penis at some point in the future.

Finally, others have said this before, but I think it’s worth repeating: clitoris, g-spot, clitoris, g-spot. I think that even a guy with a smallish 4.5x4.5 penis would be able to get most women to about 75% of the pleasure level that they’d be able to get from 6x6. They wouldn’t feel as full, of course, but fullness is only a small part of the equation.

OK nick

1. Wad told a story about meeting a big gainer, and he recommended jelqing before stretching - the theory being you fatigue the dick some, then when you stretch, there is less resistance. More important than which you do first, is that you do both, and warm-up before and during.

2. If you’re turtling up a good deal, you might be jelqing too much/too hard; ease up a bit and see if you’re still turtling, but if it always turtle’s, I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

3. Forget about LOT, just stretch in every direction.

4. Stretching and hanging for length; clamping, pumping, O-Bends, etc for girth.

And listen well, a big dick isn’t the whole answer, though it does feel damn good to get bigger :)

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Nick, I don’t know how to give you advise regarding how not to feel like your dick is small. What I can tell you, and I’m a lot older than you, is that feeling like you are small is the death of a man. It is worse than perhaps any other burden one man can carry and carry it he will. Perhaps for the rest of his life. Please do what ever you can do to NOT get lost in the small dick belief syndrome. I don’t care how small you are (and you are not small from the stats you gave). It will ruin you.

I know I guy who is between 5 and 6” EL and this guy gets more hot pussy than anyone I have ever seen. He is the biggest stud I know and he is sleeping with beautiful girls all the time. Obviously the size of his dick is not a factor. And I am telling you the truth.

Sounds like good advice from baywatch. I only disagree on one point, which is that “it is worse than perhaps any other burden one man can carry,” if only because most people—including the women you’re with—simply DO NOT CARE THAT MUCH how big you are, as long as you’re within a certain range (and you’re _well_ within the normal range). I also reread what I wrote earlier today, and it occurred to me that I should emphasize that the comparison I was making between a 4.5 incher and 6 incher presumes that all else is equal. IF the 6-incher had the same personality, skills, and confidence level as the 4.5 incher, then those 1.5 inches might give him a slight edge. But all else is seldom equal in life, and you could easily be a fantastic lover with whatever nature gave you.

Dudes, you’re getting me all wrong.

I do not have problems with thinking I’m too small. I’m average, probably on the small side of average. But I’m a realist in knowing that a bigger dick would be better. It’s fact. I’m in no way depressed by this fact. I’m fine with it. I’m absolutely fine mentally.

I am not in the state of mind of “PE HAS ALL THE ANSWERS!”. But a larger dick would be nice.

I don’t necessarily want to make my girlfriend “make noise”. I just want to be able to get her to the point where she can’t help but not.

I can make my girlfriend orgasm from going down on her.

I would consider myself pretty decent in bed. Definitely not clumsy.

I am not “wasting time” by “stressing” about my penis size. When I’m in bed with my girl I don’t even think about it. We just have fun.

It seems you assumed everything about me by other people’s comments, and the snowball affect occured. But thanks for all the words anyway, guys . Very helpful. :)

Starting size: (April 1 2007) 5.95" BPEL x 4.65" EG. | Progress Thread (plus pics)

Now: (August 20 2007) 6.6" BPEL x 4.81" EG. Half way towards my goal! | Current Stats

Short term goal: (3-4 months) 6.8" BPEL, 5.0" EG.. Long term goal (1+ yr): 7.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG.

Last edited by nick33 : 04-04-2007 at .

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