Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ask what ever you want

Thanks again Firegoat.


Ok this is what I want to share , nothing big or new maybe, but Marinera has an great thread on stretching and in that thread he talks about the use of a fulcrum , in the pictures he shows metal pipes , well one day way back then I was in the plumbing section of Lowe’s and discovered a white 2inch pvc coupling that i thought would make an ideal fulcrum . Its 2 7/8 inches long and 2 inches inside diameter, you can buy 2 keep one under a heating pad and one under your penis when doing your fulcrum stretches and you will always have a warm one to use. Just thought I would pass along what has been working good for a fulcrum. they also sell 3inch pvc coupling but they are grey. If you need a bigger fulcrum in diameter.

Originally Posted by plaidshirt

Ok this is what I want to share , nothing big or new maybe, but Marinera has an great thread on stretching and in that thread he talks about the use of a fulcrum , in the pictures he shows metal pipes , well one day way back then I was in the plumbing section of Lowe’s and discovered a white 2inch pvc coupling that I thought would make an ideal fulcrum . Its 2 7/8 inches long and 2 inches inside diameter, you can buy 2 keep one under a heating pad and one under your penis when doing your fulcrum stretches and you will always have a warm one to use. Just thought I would pass along what has been working good for a fulcrum. They also sell 3inch pvc coupling but they are grey. If you need a bigger fulcrum in diameter.

Good tip, thanks! How far into training should one wait to begin fulcrum stretches? I’ve been considering it lately, heard some good things here and there. Currently gaining with my routine, should I wait until gains slow, or would beginning now further increase gains? Thanks again.

Originally Posted by wannab8

Good tip, thanks! How far into training should one wait to begin fulcrum stretches? I’ve been considering it lately, heard some good things here and there. Currently gaining with my routine, should I wait until gains slow, or would beginning now further increase gains? Thanks again.

If your still gaining on current routine i would save fulcrum stretches for later, in my opinion.

That was kind of my thought on it since its a discipline for the long haul, I’m still relatively new in that respect. I’ll save it until they slow. Thanks!

Can I make a workout log in the fitness section?

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Yes you can.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Anybody else with low testosterone a slow gainer?

I have low testosterone but I am on TRT. When I forget to pin myself for a weeks (this should never happen, but it does…) my gains stop. But as soon as I get regular with my injections again it’s like, “oh! That’s where those gains were!” So I don’t know if I gain less at times of low testosterone, but it kills my EQ and libido, so it is very hard to tell if I have gained at all.

I am currently in the “forgot to take my shot” phase, I will have to go on an aggressive testosterone regimen and compare the results.

There is this rumor on the internet, that testosterone lowers collagen production. I have not been able to find a reliable confirmation of that. They also say that nandrolone increase collagen production. Have never heard of any BBer reporting penis gains from any AAS abuse.

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
I have low testosterone but I am on TRT. When I forget to pin myself for a weeks (this should never happen, but it does…) my gains stop. But as soon as I get regular with my injections again it’s like, “oh! That’s where those gains were!” So I don’t know if I gain less at times of low testosterone, but it kills my EQ and libido, so it is very hard to tell if I have gained at all.

I am currently in the “forgot to take my shot” phase, I will have to go on an aggressive testosterone regimen and compare the results.

I’ve tried taking weeks off and the only change in PE is libido and morning wood. My measurements, flaccid and erection are the same.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Maybe I don’t have low testosterone but how does someone lose it? Is it age related or genetics? My dad will be 58 this year and he doesn’t have low testosterone. :)

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Originally Posted by Naked Tomato
Maybe I don’t have low testosterone but how does someone lose it? Is it age related or genetics? My dad will be 58 this year and he doesn’t have low testosterone. :)

It’s typically age related. My urologist said it’s possible that because I only have on good testicle that could have started the problem. Will he said could the one usually picks up what the other can’t do.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by Titleist
It’s typically age related. My urologist said it’s possible that because I only have on good testicle that could have started the problem. Will he said could the one usually picks up what the other can’t do.

Yep. Age or hypogonadism, some smaller endocrine influences. The mean serum total testosterone concentration for healthy young adults approximates 650 ng/dL. A man by age 80 is about half that. If your 70 you’re approaching that of a 14 year old. (hey, your’e getting younger!). I don’t take any medications or testosterone supplements at all. My blood test on 3/2013 showed mine at 753 ng/dl and I turn 64 today. Despite that, erections and sex aren’t like my youth.


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