Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



I am looking for someone to help me in my journey. I can be annoying sometimes with the questions but I am willing to be dedicated and will post pics for progress reports. I need somebody to tell me what to get , what to do, how to do it , when , how long in regards to whatever it is. I am as of right now at 4.3 EL . I am obese at 230 pounds , 5’9 height , I been told by dr heller in New York that I got a lot of fat pad down there and he recommends liposuction for the abdominal area.. I am at 5.3 to 5.5 BPEL depending on EQ . I recently bought a pump been using it not consistently because I’m afraid if I I might over use it . But I been told by the wife that she does feel it thicker after the pump. My concern is erect length . Again I want somebody to be there with me answer all my questions, I will even give number for faster response . I’m a 24 year old. Just got married she was my first one but I Can’t do any position in bed except for her being on top of me . I am devastated. I need help . Please

Liposuction is a risky procedure isn’t it? I think currently it involves using a metal tube with a sharpened edge to core fat out, though I’ve seen another version of it that disrupts adipocyte membranes and vacuums out fat the leaking triglycerides. I wouldn’t want either to be done around my penis.

I’ve gotten good results from consistent light pumping and light hanging. My regular routine is 5 inHg static pumping for 20 minutes every other day and a light .5 lb. hanger for many hours at a time sporadically.

The most effective diet I’ve tried was a ketogenic diet.

I strongly suspect there’s an addictive element to processed foods other than fat, fructose, and table salt. Bromine salts are a banned sedative in the USA and yet their precursors, which are banned in other nations, are regularly added to many foods before cooking, transforming them into bromine salts, among other things.

One reason you can’t eat raw flour in the USA: Potassium bromate - Wikipedia

Potassium bromide - Wikipedia

Bromide is naturally occurring in food, it’s a question of whether or not more is added. And it is an addictive substance.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Welcome to Thunders!

There is a significant amount of information here for you to read and understand. Most of your questions are likely to have been asked and answered already, so please cruise around the various threads, and use the search button, too. But by all means ask a question if you cant find a good answer.

A great place to start is here. Read about the risks and read and implement the Newbie Routine.

Penis Enlargement Basics

I had my fat pad lipo’d along with tummy tuck after having lost a lot of weight. I had a big ring of skin, literally a “spare tire” around my gut. Went from 1” to 1/2” fat pad. The key point here is to loose weight first.

The cannula does not get go around your dick so there is effectively zero chance of hitting the dorsal/pudendal nerve, which runs through the interior of the penis and no where close to the area of your fat pad.

Start on a weight loss program which includes an exercise program. Once you’ve reached your target weight reevaluate your situation. With focus on a PE program in parallel to your weight loss efforts it is highly likely that you will have success in growing your dick. Good luck!

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Last edited by 32quarters : 02-09-2020 at .

You mentioned regular routine 5 in hg static pumping ? What does that mean really . I pump too but what I do is I just keep pressing it until I feel that something is pulling my penis so it may hurt alittle bit but Is that okay ? Or should I actually count 5 times I’m assuming when pressing it as you said.

@32 quarters
Thank you for the welcome !!
Did you gain anything in length after the fat pad lipo ? And which doctor did you do it by ? Maybe he wasn’t the right one ?

Yes I know I’ve started to read today some threads it’s just sooooo much lol talking about a thousand pages lol sorry for the many questions.

As I said I’m willing to give somebody my personal phone number so we can exchange Questions and and answers instead of writing it all on this thread ! Please anyone can educate me who’s an expert in this field .

Does your pump have a gauge on it? The 5Hg that people refer to is the vacuum applied during use or -5in/hg. From everything give read.on here that is the most someone starting out should use.

I’m one of those people who has to touch the fire to know it’s hot so I can tell you that 5Hg is a good number to keep as a maximum vacuum for starting out. In the months I’ve been experimenting with pumping using varying pressures, 5Hg seems to be where I’m settling in.

If you’re just starting out I would say go for 3 to 5hg for 10 minutes. Try that for a little while and make adjustments from there. Increase time in tube, multiple sessions a day, etc. Heat is a big help too. A few minute with a heating pad before going in the tube and then heat while in the tube can be beneficial.

Here is the tough part. No one can tell you what to do. We can give tips, share what has worked and hasn’t worked for us, give recommendations based on experiences, but ultimately you have to follow your PI’s and figure out what works for you.

Good luck with your journey. Slow and steady wins the race!


You need to slow down and read and absorb the information here. PE is a marathon, not a sprint.

Here is the best thread to learn about vacuum pumping:
Vacuum Pumping 101

We strongly advise those of us who are practicing vac pumping to make sure they have a pressure gauge in their pump equipment. A gauge is for safety purposes so you do not over pump and is also to allow you to have a consistent program by using the same pressure everytime.

Let me also provide a basic background in pressures associated with vacuum pumping. I apologize if this is information you may already be aware of. When you add air to your car tire, you are increasing the pressure in the tire. This is commonly measured in psi or kPa for our metric friends. I will not get into psia or psig as it is unnecessary for this discussion.

Vacuum pressure can also be referred to as negative pressure, or just vacuum. The vacuum pump removes air from the cylinder, thus reducing cylinder pressure and increasing vacuum. Let me restate this: a vac pump reduces pressure but increases vacuum. There are many measurement units for vacuum, but for our purposes the most common is inches of mercury, abbreviated inHg. The metric equivalent is mmHg. Some gauges will show both measurements.

For beginner pumpers, we recommend keeping the vacuum pressure of the cylinder in the 3inHg to 5 inHg range. Too much vacuum pressure can, at a minimum, be painful, can cause the red dots (ruptured capillaries) and edema or excess fluid build up also known as a “doughnut”. Greater injury to your dick can also come from too much vac pressure.

Hope this is helpful and not too boring.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

@32 quarters
Thank you for the welcome !!
Did you gain anything in length after the fat pad lipo ? And which doctor did you do it by ? Maybe he wasn’t the right one ?
As I said I’m willing to give somebody my personal phone number so we can exchange Questions and and answers instead of writing it all on this thread ! Please anyone can educate me who’s an expert in this field .

In response to your other questions, we also prefer to ask questions in the forum so others may also learn from them. It is most likely that your question is the same one other people would like an answer to. That’s not to say that another member may be willing to communicate one on one. I am not one of those as I prefer to keep as much anonymity as I can.

I did reduce my fat pad by 1/2” which would then suggest that my NBPEL length would be a half inch longer. Unfortunately for me I actually lost an inch of BPEL so overall my effective dick length decreased by a half inch. My doctor said he had never had a patient have this happen before. Normally your dick gets longer when your fat pad decreases. By the way my doc is the top plastic surgeon in my area.

I have since regained a half inch so my NBPEL is back to the same as pre surgery length although my overall BPEL is still 1/2” shorter. So by my accounting I gained an inch, I lost an inch then I gained a half inch. So My total gain is 1.5”, right? Nah, too complicated to explain.

I have two hypothesis as to the source of the loss of my 1” BPEL length.
1) my dick was slightly pulled up when the two sections of skin were pulled together and stitched up. The surgeon bends you over to get the stomach skin as tight as he can. I couldnt stand up straight for the first couple weeks after surgery until it loosened up slightly. But damn my stomach was tight. And still is.
2) the ligs tightened by an inch. I have no clue if this is even a realistic situation, just an idea I had as I tried to rationalize why I lost length.

My pumping activity is primarily for penile health to combat my ED issue, but my ego wouldn’t mind seeing the extra 1/2” return. If it does, the wife says no more.

Here’s another thread of very useful information:
How to Measure Your Penis

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Last edited by 32quarters : 02-09-2020 at .

Sounds like you should be fine in the dick department. Newbie routine. Do it.

Really, concentrate on the health and fitness. 24 years old you should have a pretty decent metabolism. Clean up your diet & move some weight at 24 you should be able to have that melt off.

The positive in your shoes? Your dick should start appearing huge soon by simultaneously getting newbie gains, and dropping fat. :D

B4: ?? 2019: 6.875" NBPEL / 7.5" BPEL / 5.75" EG

2/20: ?? NBPEL / 7.75" BPEL / 5.75" EG

Goal: 8" x 5.75", maybe coveted 8 x 6

I’m trying to post a picture of my pump because It does have a pressure gauge but when I press to pump , the clock in the pressure gauge doesn’t like go up so what I do is I just press it until I feel some sort of pullness then I stop and let it relax but then after like a minute I would press the pump again till I feel some pullness and I’ll do this for like 5-10 minutes every other day. It feels amazing after I take it off I massage it and that’s the only exercise I been doing.. I read the newbies gains about jelqing and stretching, what kind of stretcher should I get because I’m a grower and it’s like a turtle it’s like a shell inside , flaccid can be at zero sometimes so I can’t really stretch all day what am I supposed to do ?

@32 quarters
That’s crazy how after gettign the fat pad reduced , you lost half an inch ?? That’s crazy , doesn’t sound like that surgeon was the best in town. That’s why I use phalloboards forum-it’s got a great source for doctors and plastic surgeons . Reliable! I’m from jersey so I need my fat pad reduced soon after I go heavy on my diet and gym I’ll say 6 months then ima do lipo and then maybe even go for ELLANSE procedure .I will try the newbies procedure if I get some gains then thundersplace will save me 20K for Ellanse procedure..

Thanks man for your input ! Idk if you were sarcastic or serious but cool beans !

Originally Posted by John1220
I’m trying to post a picture of my pump because It does have a pressure gauge but when I press to pump , the clock in the pressure gauge doesn’t like go up so what I do is I just press it until I feel some sort of pullness then I stop and let it relax but then after like a minute I would press the pump again till I feel some pullness and I’ll do this for like 5-10 minutes every other day. It feels amazing after I take it off I massage it and that’s the only exercise I been doing.. I read the newbies gains about jelqing and stretching, what kind of stretcher should I get because I’m a grower and it’s like a turtle it’s like a shell inside , flaccid can be at zero sometimes so I can’t really stretch all day what am I supposed to do ?

I would not use any stretcher devices at this point. If you’re looking to do stretching look at the newbie routine.

Unless you have a leak in your pump it can be normal for the “pulling” feeling to go away. The first few minutes of my pump I feel the pulling but it will go away. The pressure doesnt change for me and I would have to increase pressure to get that pull again. This is where you can get into dangerous pressures that will cause harm. Get the gauge figured out and stay under 5hg.

Originally Posted by John1220
You mentioned regular routine 5 in hg static pumping ? What does that mean really . I pump too but what I do is I just keep pressing it until I feel that something is pulling my penis so it may hurt alittle bit but Is that okay ? Or should I actually count 5 times I’m assuming when pressing it as you said.

I use an electric pump that keeps the vacuum pressure stable. When something doesn’t vary or change, it’s static.

Using a hand pump is somewhere between static and dynamic. You can hand pump to a certain vacuum pressure and disconnect, but the vacuum pressure will gradually decline there after. An electric pump, depending on the kind, is capable of maintaining a set vacuum pressure continuously with very very minor fluctuation.

If you are using a hand pump, or any pump really, you should have a gauge.

Based on my own experimentation, which is limited because I’m only one person, 5-7 inHg is the best range I’ve found so far, leaning towards 5 inHg. I’m going to be reinvestigating lower vacuum pressures soon.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

LOL, serious man. Newbie gains plus a young guy melting fat off you’re gonna be YUGE! :)

B4: ?? 2019: 6.875" NBPEL / 7.5" BPEL / 5.75" EG

2/20: ?? NBPEL / 7.75" BPEL / 5.75" EG

Goal: 8" x 5.75", maybe coveted 8 x 6

Hi John,

Many guys here will be able to help you in your PE journey. I have no experience in PE yet, but I believe I can help you in a lot of others aspects of sex life and self image… I do lots of research on self perception, love and sex. I’m a very frustrated guy that is managing my porn inducted view of life into something meaningful and realistic to me.

Feel free to send me private messages if you want to discuss anything.

My suggestion to you is not only work in PE, but also do something to your body and health. Losing weight helps a lot!! Not only the visible length, but more important than that it will help you maneuver your body in a way that your cock doesn’t skip and goes deeper. Finding different positions is much easier with a slim body.

It seems to me that PE is a life style. Losing weight is also a change in life style. Maybe you should look at it as a whole.

Good luck and don’t rush things. A cock that works is more important than a big one that doesn’t get hard.

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