Hi Walrus, welcome to Thunder’s Place.
The guys are giving it to you straight. Your dick isn’t small at six inches non bone pressed. It’s actually above the average of the guys who contributed to the survey that bt mentioned. You also have to realize that the men who put their pictures on the “rate my…” sites know they are big and want others to say so. Those sites don’t attract many posts from truly small guys. So comparing yourself to the ones who do post their pics is frustrating. The same goes for porn. The men who are hired to work in straight porn are selected based on their dick size. You can’t compare yourself to them either.
Do you “need” PE? Most guys do it for themselves. Just to feel better about their size. They may have good sex without getting larger, but they think if they were bigger sex would be better and they’d improve their self esteem at the same time. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn’t. The fact is manual PE methods do work and if you want a bigger dick, for whatever reason, you’ve come to the right place.
As Mugwomp noted, you need to read the Forum Guidelines (FG). Because we have many international members, who generally don’t speak English as their first language, we ask those who do to speak it properly. That means no “u,” “i,” “yer,” “thanx,” etc. We also start sentences with a capital letter and end them with proper punctuation. The forum software has a great spell checker that will help you with your spelling. It catches typing mistakes for me most of the time.
Thanks and welcome!