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Balls hanging lower


Balls hanging lower

I have looked into it a little, but don’t know exactly what to do. I am trying to get balls to hang lower, they are hanging fine but would like maybe another half an inch lower, anybody know any videos or I have seen or heard the cock ring helps, and ball hanger/stretcher is there any homemade things to do or yeah lol. Just was looking to see some people opinion or expertise. Thanks. Any foods or supplements. Etc.

10/06/16 FL: 3.75 FG: 4.25 BPEL: 5.4 EG: 5.1

04/08/17 FL: 5.00 FG: 5.50 BPEL: 6.125 EG: 5.75

Manual stretching and pumping mine have made them hang noticibly lower. You must use heat.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Also use moisturizer to help stretch the skin.

You can also pick a long piece of fabric and tie around your balls, thus forcing the balls away from the body.

It’s a cheap and efficient way to stretch it and get used to the burning sensation. After that if you’re still into it, you can buy some ball stretchers or pump it.

Start 30/06/2016 - BPEL 13cm MSEG 11,50cm

Now - BPEL 16,20cm MSEG 12,00cm BPFSL 18,00cm BPELIT 18,00cm Clamped BPEL 17,50cm

DREAM! 19cm BPEL 17cm NBPEL 14cm MSEG

Originally Posted by Titleist

Manual stretching and pumping mine have made them hang noticibly lower. You must use heat.

Interesting… I can’t wait to try pumping, although my balls are toilet water deep almost already. A little more never hurts haha. Rather too much than too little

September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in

November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in

PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in

Originally Posted by Deepwrath31
Interesting… I can’t wait to try pumping, although my balls are toilet water deep almost already. A little more never hurts haha. Rather too much than too little

Agreed. I’d like for mine to hang lower than my flaccid.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Yes love that Dvdck. I will do that always like the homemade things. Simpler the better. And also what does moisturizer do to help stretch the skin. Titliest ok will do and did you mean pump your balls or a regular pumping. Antanior what is hemp oil good for in PE and in general. Also what is the difference in on skin and in diet. Is it a drink or use as cooking oil? Thanks didn’t know that. I heard coconut oil was good also.

10/06/16 FL: 3.75 FG: 4.25 BPEL: 5.4 EG: 5.1

04/08/17 FL: 5.00 FG: 5.50 BPEL: 6.125 EG: 5.75

Sometimes I use it also for jelqing instead of the coconut one; it contains α-Linolenic acid (ALA) that is an essential omega-3 fatty acid that has anti-inflammatory and vasodilatory property (Acido Alfa Linolenico sorry but it’s in Italian).

ALA it’s an essential omega-3 so it’s necessary to introduce it with the diet; for vegetarian diet hemp oil is one of the few reliable source, but it can be useful in all the kind of diet (other sources are fish and fish oil).

It’s best to use hemp oil raw to flavor dishes (salad, vegetables, soup but it’s also very good on a slice of bread) or alone (in tablespoon), because it’s not meant for cooking or frying having a low "smoke point" (I hope that mean something in english ;) )

Start:16BPx12.5MEG || Start APR (2016):16.5x13.1 || Today:19.2x14.1cm (7.6x5.6in)

OB1:18x13 {S.Med} || OB2:19x14 {Gra} || OB3(2022):20x14.5 {M.Gra}

Diario e foto || Tabella routine ciclica APR || Grafico volume e {classifica} grandezza

I have wondered about this as well. I have been told in my physicals and by women that I have above average sized testicles. However, they are very tight against me. I can’t help but think it might be more comfortable if they hung a little lower. Any advice on this?

I use the the same pump i do for penis pumping.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Ball stretching

You will find a lot of info on ball stretching here

I have been stretching my scrotum for a few years now initially using steel rings but more recently split weights.

I am currently using these https://www.ali … 0608.0.0.Y3AV9p

I now can hang up to 6 of these to get a good stretch.

I started ball stretching to get my sack out of the way while doing PE especially extending and pumping and then got to like the feel of lower hangers. I found it difficult at first but as I got more hang it has become increasing easy and can now fit the split weights on in a few minutes. In the colder months I wear a baby sock over the top to keep them warm and relaxed.

An added bonus is that my ball sack is now noticeably bigger as a result of a much larger and stronger cremaster muscle (the sheath between the scrotum skin and the testicles). This muscle regulates the rise and fall of your testicles and is strengthened by wearing split weights for extended periods while out and about.

That is very interesting from first paragraph on the info stretching link. I am going to read all of that. I was wondering how do those steel rings work exactly, how do you do 6 of them? And what is split weights how do those work what do they look like, where can I get some? I’m sure I will ge tall the answers from the ink lol. Thanks

10/06/16 FL: 3.75 FG: 4.25 BPEL: 5.4 EG: 5.1

04/08/17 FL: 5.00 FG: 5.50 BPEL: 6.125 EG: 5.75

Originally Posted by Diddy24
That is very interesting from first paragraph on the info stretching link. I am going to read all of that. I was wondering how do those steel rings work exactly, how do you do 6 of them? And what is split weights how do those work what do they look like, where can I get some? I’m sure I will ge tall the answers from the ink lol. Thanks

To answer your questions
>I am going to read all of that.

There is a lot there. I gather Jarod is the main man when it comes to Ball stretching.

>I was wondering how do those steel rings work exactly,

Essentially by creating a stretch. Stainless steel rings are cheap and can be bought in a hardware shop for about a $ per piece but it can be a bit tricky pulling your balls through at first especially if you start with little hang. Jarod does not promote them as he works with Secret Leather who mainly sell more expensive plit weights which are easier to fit. The second link I provided are for cheaper chinese split weights rather than rings as they come apart with a screw. There are a number of sellers of these on Aliexpress.

Hope that helps.

I’m on TRT and I notice mine hang lower and fuller when I take my HCG shots. In other words when they’re stimulated to actively produce testosterone.

How does it apply to people not on hormone therapy? Simple, make sure you’re keeping your estrogen levels low, since high estrogen levels inhibit testosterone production.

So look for diet and supplement suggestions to optimize your hormone profile. Off the top of my head, lots of crucifierous veggies, whole egg omelettes, a lower grain and higher protein/fat diet in general and stay as lean as you can.

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