Two things you might want to try:
The darkening color of your skin could be from the skin getting thicker, and a slower exfoliation rate. Since I can’t see most guys scrubbing their wangs enough to actually exfoliate the skin, that could be a good part of the discoloration- especially with something like hanging weights.
1) when you get in the shower, cover your dick with micro-coated aspirin that you’ve crushed (put one or two drops of hot water on it, and then smush- they dissolve, and are slightly gritty). 2 or 3 should do the trick, and something to make the aspirin powder stick- aloe or honey works well in most cases. Rub a bit, and rinse off the end of your shower.
Aspirin is a salicylic acid (slightly different, but functionally the same as the stuff in some acne medication), and it will help slough off the old skin cells. Yes, you might absorb a small amount of it- if you’re genuinely allergic to the stuff, don’t do this, but the amount you absorb through your skin is so trivial it doesn’t matter. I routinely take baths with 40-50 aspirins dissolved in the water, and I’ve checked this carefully with two doctors and a nurse friend of mine.
2) Don’t use a petroleum based lube, or lotion. Lotions actually do bad things to your skin, like slightly break down the acid mantle to force more water into your skin in the short term, but in the long term it does nasty things to skin, especially skin under stress (I.e, growing skin).
My understanding is the best oil for skin-healing purposes that’s cheap is olive oil, due to the high squaline content. If you have some handy, emu oil is also fantastic, as is jojoba, grape seed oil, broccoli oil, apricot kernel oil, and a few others that I need to check to make sure they’re good-to-go-for genital application. All of these have beneficial properties for the skin.
Also, if you dig getting blow jobs from skinny girls, you can just pop a little balsamic vinegar over your cock and tell her it’s a meat salad, only 2 calories per serving.
I hope that helps- I make my own skincare products and most my own haircare products, and I’ll do some more research into things that can help discoloration in sensitive areas (I know of some oils, etc, that work well on face skin, but not sure you’d want to put them on your wang).
Miss Lotus