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Been doing kegels, seems to have caused a little PE; Reverse Kegels

Been doing kegels, seems to have caused a little PE; Reverse Kegels

I’ve been attempting to figure out reverse kegels because since I started improving my EQ I noticed when I go to edge it’s easier for me to ejaculate.

How does one do a reverse kegel? Is it comparable to the pressure I apply to urinate?

When I think I have done one it seems as though my the base of my penis shifts in the slightest degree (in oppose to changing angles like a real kegel), and my testicles appear to shift a tad over the next couple seconds, change size it almost looks like.

Is that correct?

Also, should I be doing kegel->reverse kegel->kegel->reverse kegel->kegel during my EQ training?

It’s possible I’m applying pressure to my bladder.. Could that be it?

Seems like you’ve got reverse kegels down right.

For most people, it seems like kegels help with EQ, but for some they cause premature ejaculation (myself included). I would stay away from them, I had such bad PE when I was doing them for awhile that I would sometimes finish in under a minute when I had sex. I found myself getting these involuntary kegel contractions whenever there was stimulation and it ruined my sex life. During my “kegel detox” I found that reverse kegels helped to overpower the involuntary kegel so that I could edge longer and get back to normal. Now I’m back to normal and can last as long as I like.

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