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Best goodcheap cock ring on the net

Originally Posted by tntjockey
I put one on one time and not meaning to do so, fell asleep on the couch. 2 hours later I woke, I went to to the rest room to urinate. My dick had swelled up, half of it looked like a water balloon. Yes I said a water balloon and it felt like one too. I immediately took it of and tried to massage it back to shape but it would not. I then wrapped my entire dick minus my glands evenly with an Ace bandage. The swelling went down about 2 hours later. The next morning right before sex my wife mentioned that it looked fatter so I felt it and I could still fell some sort of fluid in it. Now mind you, when I first discovered my water balloon dick, I felt no pain and never did, but it scared the shit out of me and I really don’t recommend leaving it on for more than 30 minutes avocet8 gives good advice. Has this happened to anybody out there.


yes, many years ago I had tried hair bands. I turned all cold and blue/grey when i forgot about it. I may have caused some damage (then again that is what dr.Lin told me)

get a decent cockring ( again silicone is easiest to remove) and DO NOT keep it on all day. 10-20-30 min tops. and they are cheap.

Same goes for clamping. 10 - 20 min only.

If you are quite healthy and fit, you don’t really need one.

Originally Posted by phantasm
Actually PM me for almost any type of item.

I’d be willing to bet Thunder isn’t interested in them for himself.. :grab: Make a Donation

Originally Posted by tntjockey

I really don’t recommend leaving it on for more than 30 minutes avocet8 gives good advice. Has this happened to anybody out there.

Time depends on how tight fit the ring is. With a little bit of practice, anyone can wear a supertight metal ring behind the balls. The effect when erect is total blocking of blood return, and will invariably be harmful practice to leave on for even 30 minutes: 12-15 minutes is my max, but i don’t really use supertight rings anymore.

With a moderatly tight fit ring, blood will return slowly but steadily. 30 minutes is good advice, but numbness is what you really must check for. I find with my moderately to fairly tight fitting rings that app 45 minutes is fine when erect; when flaccid they’re safe to wear the all day, and sometimes I do.

Post coitus: I’ll tilt the cock ring (a.k.a. behind the balls ring) forward - especially the underside - so it can’t grip the BC tightly. Tilting the underside when climaxing is also a nice trick for long distance shooting. It’s all about timing, so have fun practicing that move. Getting experienced with metal rings to use them safely and effectively really isn’t hard. Pressure is easily adjusted by tilting the underside of the cock ring.

Originally Posted by phantasm

yes, many years ago I had tried hair bands. I turned all cold and blue/grey when i forgot about it. I may have caused some damage (then again that is what dr.Lin told me)

get a decent cockring ( again silicone is easiest to remove) and DO NOT keep it on all day. 10-20-30 min tops. and they are cheap.

Yeah, what happened to me was quite a while ago. I also believe you get what you pay for. I have several nice metal rings and some silicone rings.

Originally Posted by ideal
Time depends on how tight fit the ring is. With a little bit of practice, anyone can wear a super tight metal ring behind the balls. The effect when erect is total blocking of blood return, and will invariably be harmful practice to leave on for even 30 minutes: 12-15 minutes is my max, but i don’t really use super tight rings anymore.

With the experience I went through, I became very careful with practice. I too do not wear super tight rings anymore cause I really don’t need to, but what a cock ring has done for me is made my flaccid length longer and that is with out using tight rings. Using looser rings allows fresh blood to go in and out of your shaft with a very slight restriction leaving the shaft, making the shaft slightly engorged and comfortable with no coldness or numbness at all. When you say practice, I too believe that good practice is the key to success. It would be a shame for anyone to damage their dick with a cock ring just because they wanted a larger dick, it just isn’t worth it.

If I make my own! Say a rubber band! Do you put it on the base of your knob? Juts asking :)

Originally Posted by happyharry
If I make my own! Say a rubber band! Do you put it on the base of your knob? Juts asking :)

No problem dude, asking questions and answering them is one of the benefits of what we here at Thunders do, most of us have experienced things that we share either recommending or non-recommending, sort of a lessons learned.

First of all happyharry, do not use a rubber band or an o-ring. There are several ways you can wear these. One way is to wear it on the base of your dick just above your nut sack. Another way is to put on as described and stretch it just under the balls (the area between your balls and butt hole). You can also wear them as described at the same time. I have heard of other members wearing multiple rings along the shaft. I don’t know why they would do that, but I sure they have reasons for it.

Again, do not use a rubberband. The materials of the rubber may be irritating to the crotch area and it could also cut the circulation of the blood flow both in and out of the shaft. It’s just a bad idea, buy a silicone cock ring, they are inexpensive.

What is the purpose of wearing a cock ring? Is it used before or after jelqing?

Dilates the veins, often harder erections and more stamina

So for PE and jelqing cock rings aren’t necessary?

Not for jelqing, but they can help your dick grow

Are you supposed to get one thats solid like a true ring? What if something happened and you couldn’t get it off? Are there any thats easy to remove and yet still effective? I went to a website and saw a few but not sure whats best.

Get a silicone one first until you’re sure you like the feeling. It’s like instant viagra. My fucking life is 1000% better because of cock-rings. Don’t get me wrong, I never had a problem getting an erection, but these things, not kidding, must add an inch of length and girth because the hardness is just over the top. Women have told me I hurt them only while wearing one.


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