Thunder's Place

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Best goodcheap cock ring on the net


Best goodcheap cock ring on the net

Any advice on what to buy?

Yea, Go to your nearest Adult store and by the variety pack of 3 steel round rings. Cost around $7.00. That’s what I use.

(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625

(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87

2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50

I like the adjustable rubber ones.

Metal rings are IMO the best once you’ve got the size right. Elliptic cross section or flat with very rounded edges are the most comfortable. You will probably find 1/4”-1/2” your preferred width.
There are usually a standard 1/4” wide, round cross section nickel plated rings available at approximately $5 a piece. These have a nasty seam on the inside, but you can sandpaper that lightly enough to still have some plating left.
Larger width round cross section, as well as the elliptic and flat ones are often nickel free and in that case anywhere from $15 to $30 or more. I’ve seen 1/2” wide elliptic rings at $50. These are all seamless, and they are the real thing once you’ve got the size right and you want a good looking comfortable piece to reflect your personality.

At the store, ask if they’ll let you try some rings for sizing. If they carry a wide selection of nickel free rings, they’ve probably been asked before.

I have the three steel rings you guys are talking about. The 1.5” is about 1/16th too large for a perfect fit, yet I can’t find any site that sells 1 7/16” cock rings. I started using the larger size around my dick and balls, that isn’t bad, but sometimes I prefer just to put it around my dick, and that’s when I’m at a loss for a perfect fit. I want stainless-steel too, I heard that the chrome wears off the plated ones and looks crappy after a while. Anyone know where I can get a 1 7/16th stainless-steel cock-ring? I searched using google for hours..


Just a heads up on custom fit rings:

Since you know your exact sizes, maybe talk to PEnine (Rob) for custom sized silver rings. More expensive than stock stainless steel for sure, but much cheaper than my local silversmiths quoted, even considering shipment. He made me a set of 7mm wide sleek rings with a superbly close tolerance of within 0.2mm diameter on requested sizes. It’s not his stock rings, but maybe he’ll get the silver strips and make them for you if you’re interested. He’s got a thread in the review section.


Do you mean cock rings that fit tightly at the base of the penis, or rings that go just behind the glans?

PM me.

I have lots of those for sale actually.

Still trying to figure out if their purpose is to trap blood or what exactly. During sex or All day

21/03/06: BPFSL 7, BPEL 7.2 , EG 5 GOALS: BPFSL 9x6.5 or death

Current: 6.5 NBPEL Goals: May 30: 7.2 NBPEL

My Progress and Routine

I mean the ones at the base, it is dangerous to leave them on for more than 30 minutes or so

Originally Posted by rm18
I mean the ones at the base, it is dangerous to leave them on for more than 30 minutes or so

The sensible rule is to not keep a shaft-base cockring on for longer than 30 minutes at a time. If you need longer, just take it off for a few minutes to allow newly-oxygenated blood in, then put it back on.

Cock/ball rings don’t generally constrict as much, unless you’ve got a very tight one.



If you want good, cheap, and a perfect fit, cut a 1x12-inch piece of cloth out of an old t-shirt. If you cut horizontally, it will curl up by itself. Wrap around dick and balls about 2 or 3 times. Tighten or loosen as necessary, and tie with a slip knot.

Originally Posted by avocet8
The sensible rule is to not keep a shaft-base cockring on for longer than 30 minutes at a time. If you need longer, just take it off for a few minutes to allow newly-oxygenated blood in, then put it back on.

Cock/ball rings don’t generally constrict as much, unless you’ve got a very tight one.

I put one on one time and not meaning to do so, fell asleep on the couch. 2 hours later I woke, I went to to the rest room to urinate. My dick had swelled up, half of it looked like a water balloon. Yes I said a water balloon and it felt like one too. I immediately took it of and tried to massage it back to shape but it would not. I then wrapped my entire dick minus my glands evenly with an Ace bandage. The swelling went down about 2 hours later. The next morning right before sex my wife mentioned that it looked fatter so I felt it and I could still fell some sort of fluid in it. Now mind you, when I first discovered my water balloon dick, I felt no pain and never did, but it scared the shit out of me and I really don’t recommend leaving it on for more than 30 minutes avocet8 gives good advice. Has this happened to anybody out there.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Really? More info please.

well there are different types

I prefer, and reccommend, silicone ones as they are very easy to put on and take off. They are not as damaging as a rubber band.

Metal is ok, but can be difficult to remove, especially if you have it around your balls.

The silicone sleeves are actually what I am using with my stretcher. It really saves on the skin.

I do sell a variety of adult products, amongst other items.

I never even really thought about them until this thread.

What I would suggest, as they are inexpensive, go to your local adult store and pick up a few. If you are having trouble, PM me.

Actually PM me for almost any type of item.

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