I think you may begin any kind of PE exercise, if you bear in mind that the most important thing is to take it nice and easy and that hurry will not make your penis grow but produce injuries that will slow your training down. Working out mornings, evenings and nights is crucial (in my experience) so you may start with three ten minutes sessions a day to reach three pairs of twenty minutes sessions with breaks of ten minutes in between to be performed mornings, evenings and nights. If you increase time and stress progressively, in a couple of months you might be able to get a completely conditioned serious PEr and thus be able to hang several pounds (ten or more), jelq clump and stretch firmly, pump at good pressure, make hundreds of kegels.
At the beginning (two or more months)
Find a hanging device which allow your main veins to let blood flow (Captain’s Wench is good for me)
Avoid uncomfortable weights (start with one or two pounds and increase slowly, every one or two weeks)
Avoid pump pressures that induce either skin discoloration, swelling or numbness (use warm water in the tube)
Avoid jelqing to the extent of causing bleeding
Avoid kegeling to the extent of getting cramps
Avoid any routine unfeasible in the long term
Anything else is up to you: welcome in club!