I’ve got an idea.
My dick is uncut.
Your dick is cut.
My dick is my dick. Your dick is your dick.
I don’t give a damn about whether your dick is cut or not, and neither should you about mine.
Hey, look at that. Problem’s solved.
If you’re out there trying to persuade someone to change their fundamental beliefs to a stance which is just as subjective, just as biased, why stop at circumcision?
Hey, if you’re American, why don’t you try to convince a Briton that being American’s better?
Why don’t you convince a black man it’s better to be white?
Or a gay man to be straight?
Or maybe, and this is a BIG maybe, you can just stop worrying about other men’s dicks and just take care of your own.
Chances are 99% of the dicks in this forum will never meet a vagina that you have, will, or are in the process of banging.
So why worry?
-Borat, makes things so simple sometimes