Your English is good, everything you said has made sense, there are no “misunderstanding” troubles, so don’t worry :)
I didnt see your photo thread earlier, but yes I did post in it (thanks for the link), however in a thread where you are saying bigger dicks don’t look as hard as yours, I have to say yours doesnt look that hard in those pics.
BUT then again my dick looks harder in life than it does in my pics, and I think most guys suffer to some degree from “camera shyness”, which is why a lot of pics don’t look so hard.
Jungalist made a great post, which was basically what I was going to say :)
At the end of the day, a healthy body (and therefore, a strong heart) will be able to pump the blood all the way to the head of the penis, ensuring a solid erection.
UNLESS the person suffers from ED or similar