This is what I mean by hardness:
When you have your penis in its maximum erect state, try to bend it (anterior and posterior). Do it gently, o* course. When I do that, my penis in its maximum hardness (and I’m not talking about the moment pre-orgasmic) does not bend more than 2-3 mm, which is something almost unnoticeable… I only *eel it, but I cannot see it.
However, all those bigger than 8 inch penis look like they could bend up to 2 cm… or even more.
Using other words, my penis in its erect state is almost “impossible” to bend even slightly (only i* I really *orce it, but o* course I don’t do that). That’s what I call hardness.
When I see photos or videos (porn) o* those really big penises, sometimes they even don’t need to be slightly pushed/pulled to look sloppy (they bend themselves o*ten without external inter*erence), and most o* the times, i* some pressure *rom the guy himsel* or *rom a girl is made, they bend more than 2 cm..
I hope my post is not very con*use.