Thunder's Place

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BPEL gains but no NBPEL gains

BPEL gains but no NBPEL gains

I stopped hanging 2 months ago with close to a 0.25 NBPEL gain, I also gained close on 0.5 BPEL, since I have stopped hanging my 0.25 gain has gone but I’ve kept the BPEL gain? Could someone tell me why this is?, and if I begin hanging again will my 0.25 come back quick, and stay if I cement it? Thanks!

I might not be reading this right but if you haven’t lost BPEL then you haven’t really lost NBPEL.

The only reason your NBPEL would change is if you gained a little weight (fat pad increase) or something of that nature,

in which case hanging wouldn’t do much.

Anyways that is what I’m getting out of this but with more information it might be something completely different. :)

06-06-2011: 6.5" x 5.5" Current: 7.14" x 5.5"

Long term goal 8x6 short term goal 7.2x5.6

Pic's and Progress :worthy: Forum Guidelines

Well either you have measured wrong or you have gained weight. Don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out =) Or maybe I just understood the question wrong, I probably did, because the answer to the question I thought you asked, is to simple for the question to be asked, so I probably didn’t get the question right. Now I am just mumbling on the keyboard, to tired for this, better stop typing.

Last edited by keybord : 10-10-2011 at .

Can’t get this out of my head, are you saying your BPEL has changed but not your NPEL and you don’t understand why?

Agreed weight gain or improper measuring. No bpel lost then no actual el lost.

Starting stats- bpel-6 1/4 Eg-4 3/4

Now-bpel-6 3/4Eg-5"

Sometimes your gaining and getting a “tenting” effect of the fat pad around the base of the penis. This is another way that

the NBPEL measurement might not change too much.

djrobins I’ve noticed that on myself. I’ve come to the conclusion that it happens when you stretch the ligaments more effectively than you do the tunica.

Is it something that I can get rid of eventually?

Skin tenting can be reduced by shaft skin stretching…_

Problem for me with your suggestion is that I’ve already done it to reduce turkeyneck. And what happened is that this has lead to more scrotal skin.

Some of us assumed tight shaft skin was holding back a small amount of length. Did you find that true?

I cannot give you a good answer BUT…

What I can say is gains made regarding BPEL are a picture of NBPEL gains in the future. Meaning, that 0.5 gains made in BPEL can and will be realized in your NBPEL over time.



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