Break Question
Tomorrow will mark a week off from PE. I did a year straight- 90 day newbie routine, then last 9 months of mainly jelqing and pumping with the BM- of course I took rest days for the last year. I decided to take the break because I just felt tired, and I had low EQ. So Iast night I had great EQ and this morning I woke up feeling great. It was like my unit was telling me it was ready to train again. So I guess my question is should I start up again now or take some more time off? If I start again can I slowly work in more exercises to hopefully promote more gain as I gained minimally over the last year.
Start 6/17 5.8 BPEL 4.5 EG
Now 6/18 5.8 BPEL (sometimes I can reach 6 based on EQ) but don’t think I gained. 4.8 EG.
So I gained very little and so again- should I start up and add more exercise mainly to target length?