Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Deconditioning break also good for revealing "hidden" gains.

Deconditioning break also good for revealing "hidden" gains.

Probably stating the obvious but I figured if I could post a little bit about my experience with bad EQ and gains maybe it can keep a few members on track who “appear” not to be gaining.

I have taken 2 or 3 decon breaks, not by choice but forced too due to vacation with the family or due to leaving town for work a few weeks.

I would have to say from personal experience I didn’t benefit much from the decon break so things could heal and be broken down again. Or it was building up to much tolerance so the break allowed it to ease back down so PE could be more beneficial with less stress.

I believe for me anyhow the best thing the decon break did was allow for better EQ and showed me the gains I couldn’t see on the ruler due to poor EQ at the time.

Not that a decon break don’t benefit in the other areas, I strongly believe it does if enough time is taken. But in my case it may have not have benefited me to allow more growth but it benefited me by showing what I was doing was working, and I did gain.

I bring this up because I believe myself and possibly other members forget with a “real” 100% strong erection really is. I overworked long enough that what I thought was strong EQ and 100% erection really wasn’t, and it took the decon break for me to snap back to reality what good EQ was.

I hope this helps someone.

Starting Stats: BPEL = 5.875, EG = 4.375 <> Current Stats: BPEL = 7.25, EG = 4.6

My wife and I call it the 7th erection. Not unlike the mythological 7th wave that is bigger than the 6 before it, the 7th is bigger and stronger.

I find that the erections I get over the weekend when I`m not PEing tend to be just that little bit more intense, though I never have a ruler hamdy to know for sure.

I`m going on a week`s holiday to the cottage in july and I won`t be PEing to we will see what a whole week will do for things.

This thread isn’t going to get enough air time on the most recent list on the home page, and that is a shame, because I for one believe that healing is an essential part in this here activity.

I gained very little, but I am more then happy with my size. I do P.E sporadically and I do loose gains often, but have found that I gain them right back, within a very short time frame once I start doing a simple manual routine. Because I know my dick well enough, I know how far to push when I start up again, usually a lot less then once I stop, and find I gain back every lost bit, and almost always gain a little extra by the time I stop. This little extra doesn’t last long, but you get the general idea.

I’m not talking inches here, I am talking points of inches, in my case. But this has always lead me to believe that healing is really important and never emphasized, or often neglected by new comers, enough on this forum.

Wishing and hoping for the best - yup your doing it wrong.

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