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Caffeine makes my flaccid small


Caffeine makes my flaccid small

Anyone else have this happen to them? Hopefully they’re aren’t any negatives associated with proper healing…

Caffeine acts as a vasoconstrictor, it makes veins contract so bloodflow becomes more difficult, and hence it can affect flaccid size. I need caffeine to get through long days, so I just try to offset it with something like l-arginine that acts as a vasodilator (dilates blood vessels).

I should add that while l-arginine is safe even in higher doses, I wouldn’t recommend going overboard due to the fact that l-arginine causes the release of growth hormone and prolactin. Growth hormone just has a slimming effect and burns bodyfat, but enough prolactin can increase refractory period or slow libido, so it’s about finding a dosage sweet spot.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

Caffeine does that to most guys.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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It also has diuretic properties, and dehydration will also make your flaccid small.

This is exactly the reason I’ve been caffeine free for four months now. Hooray for me!

I am more and more caffeine free. I am weaning myself off gradually… I am glad there is this extra benefit! Huzzah!

Presumably decaffeinated coffee, does not act as a vasoconstrictor? Is decaffeinated bad for you? I do like my cup of coffee first thing in the morning, it is a difficult habit to break. I could live with decaffeinated.

Decaffeinated would be fine and have no negative effect on your flaccid. It might actually be good for it being largely water.

Thanks Dickdiggity, I will switch, it tastes ok and maybe drink proper coffee occasionally.

This is great information, I have more motivation to switch now too :)

11/30/09 - 5.0" x 4.4"

Goals - 8" x 6"

Currently: Newbie Routine.

Originally Posted by R Dopa
Caffeine acts as a vasoconstrictor, it makes veins contract so bloodflow becomes more difficult, and hence it can affect flaccid size. I need caffeine to get through long days, so I just try to offset it with something like l-arginine that acts as a vasodilator (dilates blood vessels).

I should add that while l-arginine is safe even in higher doses, I wouldn’t recommend going overboard due to the fact that l-arginine causes the release of growth hormone and prolactin. Growth hormone just has a slimming effect and burns bodyfat, but enough prolactin can increase refractory period or slow libido, so it’s about finding a dosage sweet spot.

Hey Rdopa I have a question for you what do you consider going overboard on arginine, I don’t take any arginine or caffeine for PE reasons, but I do take a preworkout that has around 202 mg of caffeine and other stuff mixed so it’s not 100 percent caffeine, then it has around 3000 mg of arginine, I used to take this other supplement that was mostly arginine, but this one was 10000 mg of arginine and about the same caffeine than in 3 cups of coffee, so what would be a better option? I can’t stop taking a preworkout, since I need them for my workouts, but now that you mention the side effects of too much arginine due to prolactin(increased refractory period and slow libido) and caffeine affecting flaccid size, I don’t know if I should keep taking any of this supplements, It’s either one or the other so I’m debating

Starting @ NBPEL: 6.125 .. 05/15/09: NBPEL:6.500-6.563 , BPEL: 7.313 EG:4.750

12/07/09 NBPEL:6.813, BPEL: 7.750 EG:4.813[MSEG]

Short Term Goal: 7 NBPEL , 5 EG; Long term Goal: as big as I can get but a 8-9NBPELx6EG would make my heart happy =D

I have 1 or 2 cups of coffee once every 2 or 3 months and it doesn’t seem to have a hugely negative affect on my flaccid size but I don’t drink nearly enough for that to happen plus I’m always hydrated from my daily water intake.

That being said I’ve read about it’s negative side effects and would prefer not to go past my bi monthly dabble for fear of having an even smaller flaccid size which, incidentally, is the main reason I got into pe!

Starting stats:- Dec11th2008 7.2"bpelx6" meg.Mar23rd09 8.375"bpel x 6.125"meg. Mar10 8.4" bpelx6.125" meg.

Goal: 8"nbpel x 7" A one eyed monster by any standard :)

Luckily I don’t drink coffee.

Taking l-arginine sounds interesting though.

Hmm say if you go to the gym early and have caffeine beforehand to maximize your workout and maybe some tea later on in the day would it be bad for your member?

If you are looking for some good energy, I suggest taking something like Green Vibrance or another green drink like this. It seems to give me a lot of natural energy, plus you get all your veggies and probiotics. Its kinda pricey but I think its totally worth it… I’ve been caffeine free for about 6 months now. A 2 month supply is about 50 dollars, but I tend to take twice the dose (Morning and night) since I have digestive problems….

http://www.amaz … /dp/B000NDME6C/

BPEL - 5 5/8" --- Goal 6"

MSEG - 4.5 " ---- Goal 4.75 "

Wow I didn’t even know this, and I drink coffee every so often. Definitely learn something new everyday!

''Get back on your feet!'' - Rhyme Asylum

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