Thunder's Place

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Can Clamping cause length

Can Clamping cause length

I ask this question after the retirement of BIG GIRTHA who seemed to have length gains with clamping,” I could be wrong on that claim”.I know BG did alot more then clamp but he worked on girth hence the name and got pretty damn good length gains. Does clamping cause mirco tears, hence some length gains. It makes since, blow a ballon up 20 times each time putting more air in it. It will of course get longer and wider. Does clamping cause the same mircotears,(does hanging cause mirco tears) that jelqing does and the gains from jelqing actually come from the brief clamp at the start of the jelq? I ask because I’ve been PEing for about 5 months and I want to work on length first with hanging and get about an inch before attacking girth but if I can get that inch in length from clamping while gaining girth I would go right to clamping. And don’t give me the newbe shouldn’t clamp cause I have been jelqing for about a year. PE is such an unexact science and it’s vets like BG that post long informative post about what they have learned that will continue to make the method of penis enlargement more successful for us all. So vets chime in and school me.


First off, if you have been working your dick for five months you are probably safe to clamp, so I’ll spare you the newbie lecture. However, the jury is still out on whether or not clamping causes length gains. I am, to quote one of our esteemed vet moderators here, “An Extreme PEer.” I have worked aggressively in every aspect of PE for over two years. There is not a doubt in my mind that clamping is the best way to girth and flaccid hang, as far as erect length, maybe. I’ll have to get back to you on that one. But it seems much more logical to me that aggressive girth work will actually slow your length gains. But I could be wrong. Bib could have been wrong. It is possible, at least in my mind the heavy clamping may expand the glands lengthwise as well as laterally, not the tunica, but rather the head itself. To me I don’t feel I have a real long head, like for example member/moderator IKE. If you ever seen his pics he has a Long head. I think he came that way, but maybe not. Maybe that kind of gain comes from clamping. We’ll have to ask him.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Thanks BG I think I will continue to hang for another year or so to see what I get. I’ve gained about .25 inch in length and maybe even more in girth just from hanging and jelq and some short manual clamps. Jelq and manual clamping mainly just to restore blood flow after hanging. 5 months ago I measured 7 x 4.5 and now I’m at 7.25 x 4.8-4.9 just a bit under 5.So I do have the length and really need the girth. But I don’t want to work on my girth first and get to 6 inches(that would be great) and then look back and say I wished I would have stuck to hanging for a while longer to see if I could’ve got to 8. My girth seems to be gaining faster anyhow. Although it could be the combine of hanging and short intense jelqing. Cause like I said I jelqed for a year before I found thunder’s with not much gain but throw in that intense stretch of hanging and bam girth gain. Thanks for the post BG I hope to be a long time poster here and help share and spread info. NO MORE LURKING FOR ME. PE is real, it’s not a magic pill, it’s not a myth, it’s hard work, TIME, and effort.And I see that now. And I will get a bigger dick. If I can get my muscles to grow by lifting weights correctly I can make my dick grow by working it correctly.Here’s to reaching my goal of 8 x 6 and hearing the ladies say “Wow thats big”.

Kind of re-posting here to re-hash this question as it came and went a few months back.

But with the recent member pics of aristocane’s monster girth thread which I think set the record for least amount of time to reach 100 replies he’s says he gained a inch in length just by doing girth.

So he said it in his thread no length workout just girth and length came. But then again he might just be the biggest girth gainer here. So any body else who just went for girth have length gains show up???

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