Can PE cause infertility?
Hello ,
I am considering trying PE but I am concerned having looked at the types of exercise carried out, that they may possibly have an adverse effect on fertility? I appreciate that stretching does not really affect the testicles, but squeezing and vacuum pumping the base of the penis near the testicles and vas deferens seems as if it could have a possible adverse effect on their function?
I was wondering if a survey had been carried out on this, I.e. Whether people who have spent time on PE have been able to conceive children easily thereafter, or whether some members have had fertility issues (although I appreciate any fertility issues would not necessarily be attributable to the exercises). I’m just interested to know! Has a large sample-size survey of men’s fertility after PE ever been carried out? I appreciate that there will probably be guys who have had children after doing PE, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it cannot be harmful to others? And the manufacturers of devices say that their devices are safe but has any reliable evidence ever been collected?
Best of health to all