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Can PE effect the prostate negatively

Can PE effect the prostate negatively

I’m 21. Fairly fit and -restarted PE couple weeks ago.

I’ve always had a mild problem with frequent urination. On a normal day I would urinate every 2-3 hours and have urine streams lasting 10 seconds or less. If I drank water more than 16 ounces of water within an hour I could urinate every 15 minutes with streams lasting less than 10 seconds for the hour.

Since I started PE, I’ve noticed that my night time urination urges have picked up. I almost never had issues with waking up and urinating and night, but within the last couple weeks I’ve been having to get up and go at least 2-3 times a night. Also, this is the first time this has happened to me. But after a PE session without ejaculating, I had to go use the loo and well I couldn’t. I had a huge urge to urinate but sat there for about a minute or two before it finally started tricking out over the course of about a minute, and I never got it all out.. Or at least my body was telling me I still had to go pee. It eventually went away within about 5 minutes but it was certainly unusual for me.

My question is, can PE have a negative effect on the prostate, I understand that this could just be my current condition getting worse and is getting irritated by PE. But are there incidents of other people on this forum having PE effect or irritate the prostate?

I do not think it is a prostate issue at all I think your incontinence may be due to a number of problems that can range from mental conditioning to irritable bladder problems since you seem to upset the urethra with PE then you get more urination at night. Anyway a visit to an urologist should be in the cards for you and see what he advices you to do once he checks you out. In the meantime see if you can do kegel exercises not reverse one just straight kegel to retrain your bladder to retain more urine and restrict the urge to pass urine.

BTW Do you have swelling anywhere in the body?

Blue eye, blonde latino

Originally Posted by sricardo
BTW Do you have swelling anywhere in the body?

Already scheduled one.

No swelling that I can tell from the exterior. If I press into my abdomen I feel no pain or swelling that I can tell either. Makes me have the urge to urinate however.

Another cause of frequent night urination is sleep apnea. Are you overweight, and/or do you snore?

Originally Posted by sleepy278

Another cause of frequent night urination is sleep apnea. Are you overweight, and/or do you snore?

Interesting you say that but I do not thing is related as he does not show signs of any oedema

I had sleep apnea (Sleep test) for a while and did not snore but was getting my airways obstructed somehow and yes developed severe oedema coupled with very frequent urinations up to 24 times daily however my docs never linked on to the other.

I now take Duodart to shrink prostate and allow for better urinary flow the drug is a kind of modified Flowmaxtra

Blue eye, blonde latino

I had a lot of pain for over a month in my bladder from any kind of pressure. As a result I had to go up in pants size and unbutton my pants while sitting. Doctor told me I had an inflamed prostate.

I saw a doctor and took drugs, but was still in tons of pain months later with no apparent solution. I believe my symptoms started to really go away when I introduced prostate massage to my activities and introduced an Aneros to my rectum. After the first time I was able to keep it in for a long time (about an hour), I felt really great. I still do it every once in a while, but honestly it was mainly after the first time I was able to leave it in that I started to feel a huge relief in my symptoms. Some people claim to get great sexual benefits out of it too, but I haven’t noticed any difference.

I still have to piss in the night though, it hasn’t helped me on that. But, it may be something you should consider. Since it’s a drugfree approach you have nothing to lose except like $60!

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