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Can Regular Kegels Help Pre Mature Ejaculation

Can Regular Kegels Help Pre Mature Ejaculation

I know a lot of people say kegels does nothing but give them premature ejaculation. But if someone has premature ejaculation than can they start doing kegels to make The pelvic floor stronger, resulting in more control of ejaculation? Because that’s what a lot of sources on google says.

Ill tell you what works. Don’t masturbate. All that does is train your body for a quick release. When you have a woman, take your time. If you regularly make it past 10 minutes, you get used to it. My average is long as a woman ask, usually after they get off. Could be a half hour.

If you read enough around here a lot of people swear by reverse Kegels. I suggest doing both kinds.

Regular kegels can help you to stop ejaculation when the urge comes, but I believe reverse kegels plays greater part with how long you can last before urge comes. I recommend doing both, focusing on reverse kegels.

Starting stats 16.11.2017. BPEL: 15.5 cm 6.1 In MEG: 14.8 cm 5.8 In

Jason's quest for length - Progress Log With Pictures

So here’s the thing: it’s possible to kegel wrong. What I mean by that is when some guys kegel they end up squeezing their butt muscles too by proxy. Butt and leg tension occur during orgasm, so by inadvertently squeezing them they’re simulating ejaculation, which when aroused too much can mean triggering it earlier than you wanted. You should be feeling the vast majority of tension in your perineum/taint. I’ve been doing kegels for at least 8 years and a quickie with my girlfriend means 30 minutes. Usually we go 1-3 hours depending on how tired we are and how much time we have, so I can definitely attest to their effectiveness haha.

Pre-PE: BPEL - 5.75", EG - Unknown

6/3/17: FSL - 6.6" 6/12/17: BPEL - 6.4" EG - 5.2" BPFL - 4.9"

Goal: 7" x 5.5"

Originally Posted by SexualKungFu
So here’s the thing: it’s possible to kegel wrong. What I mean by that is when some guys kegel they end up squeezing their butt muscles too by proxy. Butt and leg tension occur during orgasm, so by inadvertently squeezing them they’re simulating ejaculation, which when aroused too much can mean triggering it earlier than you wanted. You should be feeling the vast majority of tension in your perineum/taint. I’ve been doing kegels for at least 8 years and a quickie with my girlfriend means 30 minutes. Usually we go 1-3 hours depending on how tired we are and how much time we have, so I can definitely attest to their effectiveness haha.

Do you do reverse kegels ?

Originally Posted by Just maybe
Do you do reverse kegels ?

Nowhere near as often as regular kegels, but yes.

Pre-PE: BPEL - 5.75", EG - Unknown

6/3/17: FSL - 6.6" 6/12/17: BPEL - 6.4" EG - 5.2" BPFL - 4.9"

Goal: 7" x 5.5"

When I pump I try to do as many sets of kegels as I can fit during my session. I can actually see the gauge on my pump jump 1-2 hg when I really flex hard and by the time I come out the tube I’ll feel some light muscle soreness like I got a “real” workout. I’ve noticed my orgasm control got a lot better, but I’m on medication right now that makes it kinda hard for me to “finish”. My fwb doesn’t know about my routine, but she can’t get enough of this weapon I’ve created

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