Changed Routine Now I Regret It
I’ll try to make this as short as possible. I was doing a very basic routine.
5 minute warmup
30 second 5 direction stretch
10 minute wet jelqs
10 minute v jelqs
5 minute warm down
Everything was good, had a good pump and was able to do 2 on 1 off. I’m not sure if I really gained anything in 4 months or if my EQ just got a tune up. Well the problem happened the day I tried to do 100 wet jelqs and 50 v jelqs regardless of time it took.
Just so you guys know, my jelqs are almost robotic, squeeze base when other hand reaches glans and they’re 4 to 5 second drags. Anyways after the longer work out I had a great pump, no damage, no pain, no red dots. Except the workout lasted almost twice as long.
Well today I decided to go back to to my original routine, and at the end my penis laughed at me. It was the same shade of engorged red it always get but lacked the weight I was used to getting. And almost immediately after warm down it went back to its normal flaccid hang.
My question is, did I mess up by going hard once and now penis needs that level of training to get a workout? Also my PI’s stayed positive. Thanks for any help you guys can give me would be great. Have a great day thunders team