Clamping with hands
Hi fellas, I’ve been doing the newbie routine for some time now and definitely looking to start clamping.. I’m not after length at all, only girth.
And I was wondering how clamping worked and the technique used??
Do you just basically clamp as close to the pubic bone as possible?
But how would the penis fill up with blood if it’s clamped? How does it become so engorged etc??
How long should you leave it clamped for? What are the signs to look out for?
A simple ‘how to clamp’ technique would be appreciated.
Last month I tried clamping, but just trapping the blood in with a typical ‘ok’ grip, pumped some blood in, then gripped again, trapping the blood in, and repeated until it was engorged with blood and looking big.I then SLOWLY put a little pressure forcing the blood towards the glands.. I did a few sets of these and finished.. Although a while later once it became flaccid, I noticed the ‘donut effect’ just under the glands and lumps on the glands, looked like a fluid buildup??
After 1.2 hour or so it returned to normal thank god
Anyways, I have definitely noticed that my penis is a little fuller looking and feels thicker just after that one session??
Would that routine work at all? Or would clamping be better.