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Cock Rings, Pumps and a big ED scare - PLEASE help

Cock Rings, Pumps and a big ED scare - PLEASE help

First off, let me begin by saying that being in this situation has put the fear of God in me. No lie. I’m scared. ANYONE with relative knowledge, experiences or info PLEASE help me out!! I really hope I didn’t give myself ED..

Long story short: I restarted PE this summer. I had started about a year ago with the newbie routine, but once school started I didn’t have time to PE, so I quit. I picked it up again this summer, but instead of starting with the newbie routine I jumped right into pumping and the occasional clamp (of course I did the warm up and down). No jelqing, no stretching, no kegels, mostly pumping at high pressures and wearing a cock ring for like the following 8 hours with no rest days.

The real trouble started on Monday. It was our anniversary and I wanted to give her some good sex. I had been reading about a good jelqing routine and so I decided to jelq that morning. 600 jelq strokes followed by 10 mins of clamping. I started the routine, but I noticed that around stroke 450 that my dick was very tired. But I just thought it was feeling “worked out”, so I kept going. When it was time for the clamping I couldn’t even masturbate to a full erection, so I just stopped and decided to rest it up.

She came over later that afternoon. We tried to have sex.and I got the biggest scare I’ve ever had in my entire life.It didn’t get hard. Id say about 30 - 50% erect. It blew my mind. I was eventually able to get it up enough for penetration.then I nutted in like 5 minutes. We tried it again later that night.even worse.she had my dick in her hands and her mouth and I still couldn’t get hard. The only thing I could think to tell her was, “well.I tried a different exercise this morning instead of pumping. I guess it’s just tired”. How I wish it was that simple..

Since Monday I have not woken up with 100% erect morning wood. I don’t get random erections throughout the day. There are no pains or aches. No discoloration. My penis is warm, so I’m guessing the blood is flowing OK. I just can’t get up to 100% erect. At this time last year I could get it up to 110% erect just thinking about it.

I asked my gf if she’s noticed me not getting as hard.she says she’s noticed for about 2 weeks now.that’s when I got reeeeaaalllyyyy scared. I thought Monday was the problem.could the damage have been done before then?? I certainly couldn’t tell.

Tuesday morning I was trying to evaluate every possible reason for what was going on. I work out. I’m 23. I eat a very healthy weight training diet. Was it prostate problems? Going to hard on the PE? No resting? Low testosterone? I went to the store and bought some l-arginine and saw palmetto pills to get the blood flowing better and to give my prostate a supplement boost. So far, they’ve helped a little. Tuesday I woke up with no erection. Wednesday it was about 30%. Today it was about 85%. BUT.I’m still not getting random erections throughout the day. I’ve stopped most of my PE activity, watching porn and masturbating since Monday.

Yesterday I did a light 10 min pump session at 5Hg just to see what it would do. It didn’t hurt or anything and I was able to get a semi-erection after I was done. I’ve also restarted kegeling. 20 min sessions on 4 days. 10 mins of PC pumping then the remaining 10 mins are used for squeezing and holding them as long as I can.

Here are my questions and reasons that I think this are happening in order of importance (or what I think is important). Please read and let me know what you all think.
1. Wearing the cock ring for 8 hours after pumping at large pressures has put an “indentation” around the circumference my penis. Meaning, the area where the ring would be on my cock is just a little depressed. You can tell something had been placed there. I think, maybe it pressed down on the big vein on top for too long and caused it to pinch a little, restricting some blood flow. My cure for that is L-arginine. Nitric oxide dilates your veins and stuff, so hopefully if I keep taking this it will keep the vein dilated enough over the next few weeks to combat the effects of wearing the cock ring. (I.e. It should pop the depressed vein out)

2. No kegeling. I got complacent with my erection quality and just neglected working on it.

3. No resting. Plain and simple. I’m so stupid for going so many days without resting.(though, I must say, I would do more like 6 days on and maybe 1 day off per week.but that still too much. And I’ve only clamped like no more than 5 times.)

4. Too much pump pressure (usually between 8Hg - 10Hg). I don’t really think this one is it, because all it did was give me a doughnut that would go away in like an hour. I usually wouldn’t wear the ring while I was pumping. I did a few times, though. It sorta restricted the doughnut a little bit.

5. Low testosterone? I smoke weed regularly. I read weed lowers testosterone. Though, I was smoking last summer as well and my erections had never been like they were then, so I can’t put too much weight on this one..

And just FYI; here is my routine I was doing
1. Hot wrap
2. If I clamped it would be done here
3. Pump - 3 20 min. Sessions at 8-10Hg
4.Warm down
M/T/W/Th/F/Sat/and most Sundays (no resting)

Has anyone reading this ever been in this situation? If so, how did you recover? How long did it take? Is everything back to “normal” now? Like I said.anyone with relative knowledge PLLLEEAAASSSEEE help me out. I’m really scared.I don’t want to have to pop pills just to have sex. I’m broke, so before I scrape up the money for a doctor I wanted to come here and get your experiences and ideas. Help me out.

Don’t do any PE. Plain and simple. It’s hard to make a prediction about how much time you’ll need to have a good EQ back, but I think not less than a week, probably more.

When you’ll resume PE, observe some rules in your PE:

1) Pump at 4 hg max - I’m not an expert of pumping, but this is what masters of this technique advice;

2) take rest days - 1-2 days per week at least;

3) don’t wear a cock ring for more than 20 minutes straight. Wearing the cock-ring 8 hours straight :this is the most retarded thing you’ve done - sorry, but the word is due here. You could have caused irreversible damage to your penis doing this.

Last edited by marinera : 07-30-2009 at .

I agree with Marinera. I don’t mean to sound rude or anything but I am surprised you dint show any problems before.
Seriously clamping is one of the most intense PE exercises out there and you just resume your PE with such an intense exercise, plus the cock ring and the pumping?

Not to mention the insane amount of jelqs you decided to do. Please guys there are newbie threads and routine for a reason, don’t just begin doing PE and create such intense routines, they will all lead to problems like this.

I must say that the more injury threads I read, the more I am convinced that 90 % of the cases come as a result of being careless.

I hope you recover soon, just avoid any PE at all until you recover, it might also be a good idea to lay off sex/masturbation for a couple of week and perhaps throw in some hot wraps/ massages to enhance your recovery.

Was (july 07): 5.25 nbp (5.9 bp)X 4.5

July 10 :6.15 nbp (6.65 bp)X 4.8

Goal: 6.75 nbp (7.1 bp) x 5.1 Final goal : 7.25 nbp x 5.3

Marinera - Haha. Please believe.retarded was the exact word I used. No offense taken what-so-ever. It was stupid, and Ill neeeeeeeeeeever do it again. I don’t even want to pump or clamp anymore. The thing is, I’ve read of some people leaving them on all day after pumping. That’s crazy. IF I even decide to start PE’ll be straight jelqs. Slow.not too hard.effective jelqs. I’m not interested in length. I’m gonna take at least a month off of PE. Next week I’m gonna attempt sex as long as the wood permits. Because like I said.I had 90% wood this morning, so it can’t be in TOO bad of a shape, right? And if I stimulate myself I can get to 100%. BTW.Marinera with meat sauce is the best spaghetti sauce ever. I had some last night.

Dyablo - I agree with you too. I’m on a body-builder’s diet and I thought for sure that with all the supplements and my protein, carbs and fat intake that I would be able to recover quickly. was working fine for a couple of weeks, then it ALL caught up with me. Damn, man. Kegeling shouldn’t hurt, right? It should help if anything. I’ve totally neglected them for the past year.

AND BTW: The routine I used that day was from a video called “Matter of Size”. For the first phase the dude says do 600 jelqs a day. I thought it sounded harsh, but me thinking that I’m superman, I decided to try it. FAIL. So, for anyone reading this, please please please please please please be wary of that video. That mother fucker is nuts (no pun intended)

So here’s my recovery plan:
1. Kegels. 4 days a week for the first 2 weeks. Then do 5 after days from then on.
2. Nitrix pills (basically 3000mg of L-Arginine in every serving. 3 servings a day. 9000mg/ day. It’s for weight training, but I’m sure it’s only gonna help my olde dick as well.)
3. Saw Palmetto pills
5. Water water water water water water
6. No beating my shit. least not to the point of ejaculation.
7. No porn. I’m about to go delete my vids right now.
8. Most importantly (and the most difficult)- positive attitude and patience.

Hopefully within the next 2 weeks I’ll be back to massive hard-ons. I really don’t care about my shit getting bigger anymore. I just want to get super erections back.

Thanks for the help marinera and dyablo!! Id still like to hear from someone that has actually had the same problem, though!

I’m not sure that the saw palmetto is going to do anything for you. Everything else looks OK. You don’t need to need to cut out pumping or clamping permanently, but I hope that if you do either in the future, you start out more moderately.

And 600 jelqs is way too many to dive into all at once. The Newbie Penis Enlargement Routine here works up to that many jelqs over a period of weeks.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

I’ll be honest, my erections are a lot better ever since I stopped doing PE and watching porn. There have been a lot of stories on here of guys messing up their EQ since starting PE.

Marinera summed it up really well. Follow his advice.

A month off is a good idea. I read the other thread and it seemed to work really well for you. When you get back gradually work back up to that routine. PE is really weird, sometimes if you go for length you get girth and if u go for girth you get length or nothing. When you max out all your gains then change.

I would advise to either pumping or clamping; not both at the same time. Well I think you know that now.

I’ve never noticed a decrease in either size nor strength of my erection while using cannabis (started 3 months ago). In fact, after a few bowls my flaccid size increases a half inch more in both directions and that size stays for a long time afterward. If you think its detrimental to your PE then decrease use.

Heal quick

EDIT: At Gabe, the guys who screw up their EQ usually go overboard doing something or another. With PE, its not just about doing set exercises and hoping for the best. Doing the exercises is just part of it, you need to understand you penis and know when enough is enough. Take that into consideration and you will see an increase in EQ and gains.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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AOM's training log

Thanks, guys.

Lampwick - Yeah. Like I said, IF I decided to restart PE I’m gonna start with that routine.

Gabe - how long ago did you stop?

Aom91 - I’ve been smoking since the 9th grade, and I’m 23. Thats 7 years of hardcore smoking. I smoked everyday. I’m trying to cut back now, and I havent smoked in a week. This is truly, truly a difficult thing for me. But, I’m sure that has effected my testosterone in some kind of way. I bought a testosterone booster the other day just to see how it would affect me, and I can’t lie.I can honestly tell the difference: I actually sleep 8 hours a day (and I dreamed!! I never dream), I’m not very grumpy, I have energy all day. While low testosterone may not have been affecting my EQ yet, I think it was affecting other parts of my life that COULD affect EQ and PE in general.

Update: Things are looking better. I’ve been getting morning wood again & random erections. No sex, masturbation or PE yet, but like I said, I’m gonna give it until September. Only thing I’ve been doing is kegeling. The fact remains though; on that day I did experience ED. Plain and simple. However, I would have to say it was because my penis was tired. I know that if I decided to PE again, I’m gonna do it EXACTLY how it says in the newbie guides. I’m not cutting corners in any way, shape or form. A few hours of ED is extremely scary and will force you to get your shit together. Maybe it was for the best?

Anyway, thanks for the help guys. The gf thanks you all too!

Great example of how to wreck yourself, and a hard way to learn a lesson in moderation .

Why is it we always think more is better ?!

I see it in the gym all the time, guys with little experience doing fifteen or twenty sets of biceps exercises, and when I tell them they are over-training, which inhibits growth, and that they should cut back to six to nine sets, they laugh at me .

Originally Posted by BerverPooh

Long story short: I restarted PE this summer. I had started about a year ago with the newbie routine, but once school started I didn’t have time to PE, so I quit. I picked it up again this summer, but instead of starting with the newbie routine I jumped right into pumping and the occasional clamp (of course I did the warm up and down). No jelqing, no stretching, no kegels, mostly pumping at high pressures and wearing a cock ring for like the following 8 hours with no rest days.

I know exactly where you were wrong, how could wear cock ring for 8 hours?? Pump and cock ring are medical device used to treat erectile dysfunction, most doctors recommend wearing cock ring for no more than 30 min and remove it once you finish sex.Cock ring aren’t for PE but to help guys who can’t keep erection for 5min if they are engage in sexual encounter.

In my personal opinion you just need to relax, take a two or three weeks off of PE and try to masturbate every other day, I suppose you cut blood circulation flowing to your penis area due for wearning cock ring for “8 hours” and now you have psychological fear of failing again.try this supplements libidus it last 4 days and it will help you return your confidence and I guess you might end getting your normal erection soon

Cool man. My dick is back and better than ever. I looks like it got thicker and longer too haha. Cool. Thanks for the advice!

That’s great news BP! Hopefully you get back to where you left off quickly.

7 years smoking everyday is crazy. But stopping, at least for now seems to be the best course of action. Its working well so far so keep it up. In the event you do decide to start again, try making edibles instead of smoking. More potent effects than smoking without all the negative effects. But like Muscular_Beaver said, everything in moderation.

Are you working out? If not you should look into that. It’ll get you healthy again (raise test., increase circulation etc) and it will no doubtingly help your PE.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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AOM's training log

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