Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Collected wisdom from the vets and good gainers

Hey Buddies,

I started PE on the old board and was one of only a few when Thunder began. Started at 5.5 X 4.8 and am currently just under 7 X 5.2. Nothing spectacular but I am happy. I am poster boy for hard gainers. I started with jelks. bends, Uli’s, some pumping and then went to the hanger which did the most for lengthening—thanks Bib. I do all of the above occasionally, but currently do manual stretching using a bolted together tripod wood thing which I squeeze and stretch at the base followed by the pad lock hang thing all while in the hot tub every morning for about 45 minutes. I definitely have seen great flacid gains. Heat, stretch, simple pad lock hang to seal gains, lots of years and consistency pays off slow but sure. I was the original post on the thrombosed vein, so I am a cautious PE’r and recommend that to all. I also started a weight lifting and diet program at the same time—Success.

I have a story for all of you. Outsiders probably see my wife and I as hip, good looking, smart and talented, however, sadly, my wife is one of those many women who have lost their libido for the past 4 or so years and is currently going through what I guess to be her menopause (she doesn’t do or discuss sex or anything for that matter). Interesting what a great lay she was in the beginning and how it virtually disappeared after kids. I know I am not alone on this one. Yes I have tried everything ie, counselling, and all the other love language strategies. Todays mothers are busy and forsake all others (mainly their husbands) for their kids, societal appearances, houses, and girl friend Zoloft queens—check please!

PE can raise testosterone and dopamine levels. It may bring about an imbalance in all of your neurotransmitters. Hense, you get real horny. Her constant rejections eventually became anger, resentment, rage, and distance for the years of neglect which has me out of the bedroom for 3 years now—lonely territory. This is the curse of the American woman. It is tough PE’ing without any hope for sex and locked into a sexless marriage with two great kids and a wife who is fridged. Well, my dog doesn’t bite, so I make the best of it.

Lud has great advise about building and keeping relationships—listen to him. PE’rs, make sure you scope out a wife/girl who is open to sex and not just manipulating for a marriage/relationship for society, house, appearance, kids, etc. reasons.


That’s some good advice you should post more. Three years bro I don’t think anybody could blame you for looking somewhere else if you and the wife have tried everything to get her sex drive up

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Thunder I was reading all these story’s and was curious! What about yours??

It’s there any problem in revive this topic?

Thanks to all the contributors to this topic. :)

It’s so inspiring and encouraging, all newbies should really read it, even before studying the newbie routine thread.

Very inspiring, thanks for taking the time to write all this guys.

Great thread.

Keep it up!


Please sticky this amazing thread!

This is such an inspiring thread! This is just what I needed to stick to it and stay positive in a tough time in my life. Thanks!

Would love more vets or good gainers to post and share their experiences here. :)

When you get a BJ, life is good

Joined today. Reading all these vet posts makes my heart pump. Thanks for sharing ! I’ m soooo excited about getting into the PE program. Wish me luck

Reading these posts of huge gains is really motivating. Was feeling slumped after I lost some of my gains and curious how much I could ultimately gain in total. Thank god for these posts.

Start BPEL 6.125 x 4.8 EG

Now BPEL 7.1 x 5.25 EG

This post was amazing I didn’t read all the histories but the ones I read were amazing ill resume mine I been doing PE since I’m in school not very dedicated to it tho I really want to have a big dick I never had any problems with my size I think its thank to it the the exercises I done plus sport but I really want to be on 9 bonepresed length now I’m 7 I think I been on 6.5 before but I’m not really sure never took it too serious now I’m really serious I want to be a porn star and represent my country

thoughtfulgold's nutshell

I have posted a lot regarding my experience. The fact is you can’t Compact and experience to one post regardless who it is. If I had to pick just a few things to say though, I will say these things

1. Keep the faith

2. Always stay motivated.

Out of all of the things I’ve tried only those two things have made anything work. Without some sort of faith and motivation it does not matter with what means that you will attempt to move forward in PE. I defined my journey with failures and persistence.

Perhaps perseverance is simply motivation through faith. I know without it I would not be here and my journey would not have taken me here. I would have quit and the story would not have been notable nor of any import.

If you cannot keep the faith then you will not see what it is you believe you will see. If you cannot stay motivated you will not move forward.

Now: 9" BPEL x 6.25" MSEG as of 11/10/2019 This is my story, a few progress pics of me here, and all my methods.

Then: 6.25" x 4.37" in 8/2009 Are you new to PE? Here's some advice I wish someone had given me when I first started.

My Extender and forward to 10" and balls enhancement project. There is no "Holy Grail" of Penis Enlargement. Only time and effort works. I'm *10* years in and counting. All you have to do is put the work in and keep the faith.

I’ve been here a while now I suppose I can add to this. I started my journey in 2011. My reason for starting was kind of a shit reason. At the time I was married and I found out my wife was seeing someone else. After I found out about it and she ended things with the guy we decided to try to salvage the marriage.

One day I asked her a question and the answer haunted me for a long time. “How big was he?”. Well he was much bigger than I was. Well I couldn’t have that so I started researching and stumbled onto Thunders.

I started at 5.5 in bpel and 4.5 mseg. Did the newbie routine for several months. I think I gained about half an inch in length with that. Started hanging several sets a day and put on another half inch.

We got divorced in 2014. After that I stopped doing PE entirely for about 3 years. Lost probably a quarter inch during that time.

In 2017 I started again but only for a few months since my schedule for work changed and I couldn’t dedicate the time I needed.

I got back into things about a month ago. I gained back everything I lost and then some. I’m now sitting at 6.75 x 4.75. I’m taking a new approach this time. I’m going to focus mostly on girth for a while. I’m hoping that I can at least get to 5.5 mseg within a year. But I’ll take what I can get. I’m also in the process of trying to lose weight. I’ve lost 17 pounds this month. This is turning into a full body transformation. The thing to note is this time I’m doing this for me and not anyone else. Now I’m having fun with it vs the last time I was doing it due to my own insecurities. My EQ is the best it’s ever been and my flaccid is looking bigger by the day.

The next person I end up with should be in for a treat when I’m done.


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