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Dangerous to jelq and stretch.

Dangerous to jelq and stretch.

I’ve done a little bit of research into jelqing and stretching, and it all seemed fairly positive until I encountered a site talking about Peyrione’s disease (I think that’s how you spell it) where your penis develops a significant bend and eventually makes sex impossible. Is this a real danger or threat and even if it is a very small threat, how can it be avoided to the greatest extent possible? For example are there certain things which you should definately avoid doing in your routine?

I hope somebody can shed some light on the situation for me.

I heard about that too, there’s all kinds off horror stories but after I checked into it you have to have the pre existing condition and of course over time it will increase with these excercises so if you are really worried and think you have it you should confirm with your doctor that you have this disease.

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