Days Off???
I have been PEing for 7 weeks now. I have not taken one day off. I did not want to. My routine is jelqing in the shower in in the morning with 10 ULIs and also jelqing in the eveing bath with 10 ULIs and some stretches. I have gained some girth over the last month but no length.
My question is……..
How improtant is it to take days off. I have read that many of you do 5 0n and 2 off. Is this mostly for the body or for your mind to keep you from burn out? I don’t really feel the need to take days off. I love to PE and don’t feel burn out at all. However, IF the days off are more for your body, then I can see taking them off. I have read that we heal during sleep and I get plenty of that so……………
Also, when you take 2 days off, do you thake them back to back or a few days apart???
Thanks in advance for your answers.
Cheers to you all. Do good things.