Dealing with problems after 5 months of hanging.
I wanted to post my experience with hanging and the outcome is not favourable and was hoping if anyone can shine any light on how to fix this issue.
I started hanging with home made items and no access to proper forums and technique. Just by word of mouth because at the time I didn’t have access to internet. I was hanging for about 5 months then stopped due to noticing discolouration around the tip of the glans and a bit of bleeding from urethra which freaked me out and now it’s been 18 months and the discolouration has just stopped being noticeable and am left with excess skin and a less hard glans while erect. Can anyone relate to this or help me find a solution.
My routine and tools were as follows:
Warm up with manual jelk. Wrap with cotton sheet. Then hang for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day. Weight started at 4 lbs and increased by a pound every 2 weeks till around 11 lbs. The hanger was home made which was basically a ring made of rubber gloves folded and secured by the tension created by the rope and weights . By the end of the hang the tip of the glans would be almost black then I would get blood circulating in it for 10 minutes after. I didn’t learn about emptying the glans till about 3 months in and with the basic hanging tool that I had it wasn’t very effective and would slide off a lot so I had to tighten the clamp/ring which still caused the tip of the glans to swell up and be dark purple by the end of the 20 minutes but the colour returned to normal after and I was still maintaining erections so I didn’t see a problem with it. At the end of the 5 months when I stopped I noticed the tip remained dark in the spot where all the blood was rushed to. I completely stopped hanging to let my member go back to normal. The skin is extremely stretched and loose when relaxed it’s like a flap that hangs below my testicles. I am circumcised but now almost looks uncut. The dark glans discolouration remained for over a year and started to slowly fade It’s been 18 months now and the colour is just back to normal but I notice some stretch mark looking skin on the glans and the firmness and integrity of it is weakened. The excess skin has not improved at all. And now my erections feel not as hard at the tip and the glans inflates but deflates quickly. Will this become better over time? I have a urologist appointment booked is there anything I should tell him or any treatments to ask for? As the excess skin the only thing I can think of is plastic surgery to remove skin. Has anyone had to resort to this? I know I have to deal with the consequences of not hanging properly with the proper tool but any advise on how to get my penis back to normal is appreciated. Thanks.
Last edited by tlondon : 08-04-2020 at .