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Difficulty w/Getting Erection After Jelqing

Difficulty w/Getting Erection After Jelqing

Hi Everyone,
I am new to PE’ing and have been reading a lot of the posts. BTW, I am 40 y/o and like everyone else wanting more.

I just started jelqing a few days ago and notice that it is somewhat difficult to maintain a semi-erection during my routine without out going limp. My routine consists of heat, mild stretching, 150+ mild jelging reps, and heat again.

Is this common for a newbie to experience some difficulties with maintaning a semi-erect during jelging?

I also notice it takes me longer than normal to get aroused the next day and my staying power isn’t very good. What exercises are recommended for harder/longer lasting erections?

Any thoughts appreciated.



Hey Mr. B,
Welcome aboard! A couple three questions for you.

Did you have any erection difficulties before you started PE?
Are you doing PC exercises?
Do you smoke or are you on any medications?

It is not uncommon for some guys just starting out to have a little difficulty with erections. Your unit has to get used to the workout.
Just take it easy and add time/intensity to your workout gradually. Don’t try to “grow” one inch of dick in a week. :D

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Thanks for the welcome!

Thanks for the reply.

I’m definitely not like I was when I was in my 20’s with every erection being rock hard and very easily aroused. There has been a gradual decline over the last few years in this area with arousal time, but normally can rise to the occasion. I would say my stay power has declined more than anything over the years.

I am a stressed out individual and I do smoke with little exercise.

I did try a few PC Flex exercises for the first time yesterday and noticed that I am really weak in that area. Even after only 10-15 reps I start feeling fatigued and not very strong feeling in the PC muscle.


Last edited by Mr. Bulge : 12-12-2001 at .


Hey Mr. B,
The cure for the problem is obvious. Stop smoking! I know, easier to say than do. I’m a long time smoker and still smoke even though I know what it is doing to me. I quit about this time of year a couple of years ago. After a couple of months, I could not believe how hard my erections were. I only managed to stay away from smoking for three months though. Try to quit, or at least slow down as much as you can. The stress may be adding to it also, but the smoking is the major cause. There are a couple of large studies that were just released pointing to the links between smoking and ED.

You could try taking niacin or L-Arginine to help with the erections. They both help. There are other suppliments available, but I have no experience with them, so I will not comment on them.

The PE exercises themselves will help also. Try to get that PC muscle back into shape, it will help with the erections and the exercises.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

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I really need to quit or at least slow down on the smoking. If PE is addicting as cigarettes I will end up with a huge monster. :)

I might have a sleeping problem too (sleep apnea), so all these factors are adding up to a limp biscuit.

I plan to continue all the PE exercises. plus work on my overall health too.

Thanks and you have a great site!

Hey Mr. B

I recently started as well and I am currently on a rest break. I had literally the same problem as you. I had a tough time keeping an erection while jelqing during the routine. And my morning wood seemed to have declined. I am currently on a 2 week break because the newbie routine might’ve been too my for me, can’t wait to start again. I am a smoker as well and I knew it definitely had an affect on my hardness but I never figured it would be this much. Trying to quit for quite a while but that shit is so difficult. I’m 21 btw.

Good luck on your journey!

Also just realized this is a 15 year old post.

Originally Posted by showernorgrower
Also just realized this is a 15 year old post.

Okay you’re allowed an opps. From what I hear around here you get 3 opps and after that, well I can’t really say but I’m sure it’s not good!

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