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DLD blaster stretch quick reply please, about to PE

DLD blaster stretch quick reply please, about to PE

Hi all,

I just found out about the DLD blasters and they sound pretty damn good. I was just wondering if some one could explain the stretch you do? The links to his diagrams are broken and the post is 22 pages long so sifting through got a bit old 15 minutes into it. Whats this “A” stretch he’s on about.

Also are all the stretches performed straight up towards the chest?


A Quickstart Guide to Manual Exercises

You can push the subscribe button and then have easy access to this thread. It explains pretty much all of the different stretches. Remember that the search tool should be your best friend. Advanced search works really well. You should also remember that the best place to start for at least a few months is the newbie routine. Trust me, it doesn’t seem like a lot but, it works very good.

Good luck :)

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