Thunder's Place

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Do any of you ejaculate after PE but still recieve gains

Do any of you ejaculate after PE but still recieve gains

Just curious, but have any of you guys noticed any gains even if you ejaculate after PE? I know that ejaculating should not be done atleast 4 hours before or after a workout but I was just asking because I like to edge after mine and sometimes I go a little to far and go past the point of no return. Does this mean that every time I ejaculate on accident while edging that the workout was a complete waste?

Yep I have ejaculated after workouts and have seen gains. This question is largely under debate and no one has a definitive answer.

Best of luck to all fellow PE-ers in their journey.

Probably is all personal, and by that note even more mental. I think that ejaculating after or before is bad for my PE. The power of my mind may be the the most important part of PE.

There have been several times in the 4 1/2 months that I have done PE when I edged to close and lost control. I have still seen increases although small. I am not disappointed, however. I have also noticed some improvement in EQ.


08-12-2014 BPEL 8.875, EGMS 6.6, EGB 7.25, EW 2.101, EV 30.331, FL 6.75, FG 5.6, Glans Girth 6.5p

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