Thunder's Place

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Gains and jossing off. PE for real! Whats the deal?


Gains and jossing off. PE for real! Whats the deal?

What are peoples views on jossing off and doing PE exercises? I have as an adult been uncircumcised and now circumcised and would say that the stimulation that comes from PE makes wanking almost certain when doing the PE exercises uncircumcised due to the foreskin going back and forth. Now being circumcised this doesn’t happen.

What are peoples view on jossing off and its effect on PE? I know that often if you joss off and come then your dick shrivels for a good day aferwards. Do people here think that potential gains are effected by wanking?

What are the views of the circumcised and uncircumcised among us? Does PE being circed/ noncirced make wanking an obligation or choice? And do people here think this affects the results from PE?

I’ve tried most things PE related and am slowly coming to the conclusion that its claim of efficacy is looking dubious. I know some people say that it works for some and not for others, but this to me may be at best wishful / deluded thinking and at worst ill motivated.


jossing off? I don’t get it usually I can get a slang for something like wacking or jerking but how to you joss your dick.

Joss is a name shared by different things:

* JOSS, a time-sharing operating system
* Joss, a Chinese god or his cult image.
* Joss Stone, British female soul singer
* Joss Whedon, television writer/producer
* Joss is a type of incense
* Joss Cues, Inc. is a well known American pool cue manufacturing company.
* Joss is the name of an Australian built supercar

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


Its a UK thing don’t worry the septics don’t usually understand the queens.



I just hadn’t heard that one and I usually can guess the slang:D

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’ve never heard it and I’ve studied language and lived in London all my life

The word is ‘Toss’ — ‘Tossing off’

‘Joss’ sounds like middle-school slang

Originally Posted by wheresmyweenie
Its a UK thing don’t worry the septics don’t usually understand the queens.

^ I have no idea what this guy is talking about.

I’m not hip enough to answer this one. :)

Septic Tank = Yank = Septics. :D

(it’s cockney rhyming slang)

So why not ‘tommy tank’ instead of ‘Joss’?

((I can’t stand it when people make up words— it makes me cringe like nails on a blackboard.))

This thread is pointless.

Mr F obviously didn’t study language hard enough then did he.


Originally Posted by oratom
Septic Tank = Yank = Septics. :D

(it’s cockney rhyming slang)

Had I known I was being called a crap holder I wouldn’t have been as friendly, Hey WMW you have a way of winning friends

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
Sounds like Cheeky Cherry speak to me.


If that means what I think it means…I think I’m going to have to stay on the right side of Thunder O:-)

Originally Posted by wheresmyweenie
I’ve tried most things PE related and am slowly coming to the conclusion that its claim of efficacy is looking dubious. I know some people say that it works for some and not for others, but this to me may be at best wishful / deluded thinking and at worst ill motivated.

`:-) Dude, just because you’re not gettin gains it doesn’t mean that no one else in the world is. My gains are definately not wishful-thinking or delusion, they’re a physical fact.

…and P.S. — I work smart, not hard.

Listen to Mr. F. Sometimes it takes a long ass time to get gains (especially for high learning curve from hanging as I expierenced) but if you keep with it man you will probaly happy you did when you finnaly figure this stuff out.

“Jossing off” haha, I agree that is unusual slang.

Anyway, addressing the problem… I’ve never had any problems gaining while masturbating after PE workouts, and frequently, well, all the time. BUT somebody recently conducted a survey here which suggests a much higher frequency of gains when you don’t masturbate to ejaculation at all. So I’ve given up masturbatin for the time being to see if I get even better gains than I got before.

PE SMART - Quality is infinitely better than quantity. Monitor your progress. Make changes accordingly.


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