Thunder's Place

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Question about PE exercises

Question about PE exercises

There are a lot of good resources here, but i have a question that hasn’t been answered…

When you are down doing the various exercises, is it ok to ejaculate, or is it better not to?

Originally Posted by 123
There are a lot of good resources here, but i have a question that hasn’t been answered…

When you are down doing the various exercises, is it ok to ejaculate, or is it better not to?

It is better not to - save it for your gal.


Not this again?!! Yes, it’s been discussed. Many times:

Do orgasms hinder PE gains?
- PE Questions that need to be answered and discuessed
A stupid question.
Avoiding lost gains without mantanance?
Masturbation without ejaculating after PE session
Question on masturbation/jelqing
Will jerking off or sex interfere with….

There are many, many other threads about this topic. My opinion: it doesn’t hurt to masturbate before, after or during PE. Why would it?


In my opinion it all depends on what PE exercise you are doing. If you are hanging you may want to masturbate before hand so you don’t get excited before or during hanging. If are doing jelqs, Ulis, ect. where you need some sort of an erection, then obviously you don’t want to jack off prior to that exercise.


Masturbation pretty much ends a jelqing session for me.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


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