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A stupid question.

A stupid question.

Before I jelq I need to masturbate because otherwise i would be too hard while jelqing, but because i masturbate do i need to do hot wrap because masturbation seems like rather good way to stretch it around.

Looking to be a kiwi.

I found that after a few sessions you will find that not to be the case. Although a hardon is a good thing while Jelqing. You want some blood flow. As I jelq I also do a PC and really get that flow into the head. As I hold the squeeze I pinch the head enough to force the blood back into the shaft. This gives me one hell of a good pump. The longer you do these and any excerise you will over come the need to jerk it.

This is a article that i read about masturbating before or after a workout. Hope this help alittle.

Can I ejaculate right before, during, or after exercising?

No. When you ejaculate, your body goes through several chemical and physical changes which can diminish your results. For instance, when you ejaculate, your blood testosterone levels begin to drop and your penile connective tissues constrict as well. Therefore, it is best to wait at least 3 hours after completion of the workout before ejaculating. It is equally important not to ejaculate for at least 2 hours before exercising. And under no circumstances should you ejaculate during your workout. This will definitely impede your progress. If you develop the urge to ejaculate while exercising, we suggest that you pause until your urge has subsided - then you can resume where you left off.

My 9 inches are coming!!

I don’t believe the 3 hours thing - that’s just something that’s been repeated so often people have come to believe it. But I definitely agree that nutting during a workout tends to ruin the workout - it has for me in the past. But I had the same problems - being too hard for jelqing; this caused me to gain girth at the expense of length. And, No, I didn’t “get used to PE” enough to not get hard. So, I don’t think it’s harmful to wank one a while before your workout, to avoid nagging erections. But I do think you should give it at least an hour, but 3 hours is probably unnecessary.


i personally think too much jerkin off runis your workouts — and other things (like pursuit of the oppostite sex). But if being too hard during your workout is problem then keep a cold wash rag nearby — if that is not enough maybe an ice pack — and stick it on your penis until you are about half hard.

Or, another method is to just simply let your erection diminish naturally until it is in an engorged flaccid state, and continue from there.

If it means having to wait a few seconds, it is alright, as I wish to get in a quality workout by maintaining the pre-determined erection level for whatever technique I am doing.

As for yanking your noodle, my opinion is…it’s up to you!

I am building a Canadian Maple for the lovely!

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