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Maybe stupid question but.

Maybe stupid question but.

Do you think it’s ok to put anti wrinkle cream on your penis? I have wrinkles and cracking in between the shaft an the head and I’ve tried everything from cocoa butter to vitamin e and nothing seems to work. DO you guys think wrinkle cream would be safe to put on my junk?

If it’s safe to put elsewhere on the body, it should be safe on your dick, as long as there aren’t any open abrasions there.

But I don’t think it’s going to solve your problems, if the other remedies haven’t.

I would not experiment with that. If the skin is cracking it can be some kind of infection, yeast maybe, allergy, etc (I don’t know, not a physician). Visit a doctor, I guess most general physicians can tell what it is and what to do about it. If you suspect it is PE related, try another type of lube and/or review your technique so that you are not stressing this sensitive area. Good luck!

Try Hyaluronic acid. It hogs water like a mofo so it can hydrate skin like nothing else can (not the same thing as a moisturiser). It’s also something your body produces in inflammation as a transport medium so there are no sensitivity/reaction issues. Finally, you can put it on open wounds, and there are many studies showing that it accelerates healing and reduces scarring dramatically. You can put it on your face too if you want. It’ll just keep absorbing and absorbing. Available on ebay for buttons.

Are those wrinkles caused by PE? I used to have very dry and cracky skin at the exact same spot and it was caused by manual stretches. I stopped the stretches for a week and put hydrating lotion and it all went away.

Originally Posted by helpme7
Do you think it’s ok to put anti wrinkle cream on your penis? I have wrinkles and cracking in between the shaft an the head and I’ve tried everything from cocoa butter to vitamin e and nothing seems to work. DO you guys think wrinkle cream would be safe to put on my junk?

Does it itch? Do you PE dry?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Just remembered: many years ago I got problems similar to what you describe from using latex condoms. If that’s what you use, consider changing to non-latex and see if it helps.

It’s not any sort of disease. It’s just from masterbation and having sex without lubrication. The skin has gotten more wrinkled and cut over the years.

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