Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Attention Bib, Sorry: Stupid Question

Sorry: Stupid Question

I couldnt write Bib from the link on his site because my email is not working.(ATTBI to Comcast) I was just wondering when i write out the money order to? On the ordering page i believe it just gives a address http://www.bibh … ay_by_check.htm can i write a money order out to address? Sorry if this seems dumb, I just dont know, i’m going to the post office soon so if i need like a offical company name or Bib’s name please tell me soon.

Thanks for you time, need2bbigger

I am fairly sure it needs to be made out to BH Ltd. You may want to PM BIB and make sure, as he may not read this thread (esp since his name is not in the title of this thread). I hope that is right though, because that is who I made my check out to. :p


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Thank you so much, it didnt occur to me I dont order penis enlargement equipment much =(.

Yes, BH Ltd.


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